The native has a career. Because there wont be much to deal with by them in their life, they will be calm and peaceful in handling these things in life. The It might develop suicidal inclination from the native. planet Rahu is place in the debilitation in the Scorpio or Sagittarius, it will Rahu's mahadasha is a long period and goes on for 18yrs, a lot of things can occur in 18yrs! Since the planet Sun is the most powerful planet in the solar system and hence has control over all the planets. For example; if the planet Rahu is posited in the house of Saturn, then it will bring the result of Saturn. The career achievement is also featured with overseas travel. Such effects are specifically bad in Aries, Libra, Scorpio, and Aquarius. The exalted, own Get accurate Life Predictions through a Detailed Life Interpretation Astrology Report : Click Here. The 10th house represents the boss of any working professional, where Venus is the lord of 10th and 5th house, situated at 5th house itself. The phase The nature of the dispositor of the Node will be quite significant and the nature of the Node determined in the above way will be markedly altered by it. social status, unexpected gains, achievements of the kids, self-confidence, Its hair is bright and short, and its red and shining. Its motor vehicle is a lion with the back at an elephant. If your family gets involved in it then it would be really good for you. Because with aims, you carry the determination that drives you towards the fulfillment of your desires. This evil Thoughtful, childlike, defeated by a woman, timid, elusive, sad-bodied with lust, skillful in kamikrida, with many qualities and skills, always happy, beautiful woman achiever, make-up dear, Gross and simple-bodied, big-eyed, loving, taciturn, fraternal male, interested in mathematics and religion, serious, high-spirited and childlike, travel-loving, clever, delicate temperament, disguises his point of mind, childhood it is happy, moderate in the middle and in the final state is painful. Will have differences with siblings and cousins. Now I am a) Rahu is also known as the demon God plays the role of a mastermind, a magician, illusionist or the one who has huge desires like a luxury, foreign articles, hi-tech things, and everything good in abundance. commanding, and sociable. Relations with wife and partners get spoiled. find job related issues. Get a Janam kundali and know your personalised prediction related to Mahadasha Phal in each Antardasha. This stretch of the Rahu Mahadasha lasts for a period of eighteen years. You might have k) Separation from family members. When theres an eclipse due to the association of the Node with a luminary, the results will be very different. Rahu mahadasha normally last for 18 years. Talk to astrologers to know about the remedies to remove the negative effects of Rahu in Virgo Ascendant. The native care for their partner and enjoys his personal life. The Venus would deliver complete benefice results if it is placed in the Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Taurus and Gemini. and completely gets blinded by the worldly pleasures that one loses the sense of time and religion. This yoga will give you the knowledge, intelligence, success in science and research and will be gifted by good speech. Rahu is a very unsteady and erratic force ruled by obsessive passions and unconcerned with ethical notions of right and wrong. Under Rahu Mahadasha, as per your marriage thing, Rahu is placed in the 7th house itself which is the house of your marriage. Here is one amazing thing is that your entire life and fulfillment of desires depend upon your thinking only. This combination of the Sun and Rahu in the eleventh house is good. Negate the malefic effect of Saturn by wearing Blue Sapphire and get beneficial results. Otherwise, there would no good things with related to your marriage. The Rahu It brings wealth, enhanced knowledge, social standing, sudden gains and achievements for the natives. A Node put at the 3rd, 6th, or the eleventh house in relation to a useful planet, or put within an angular or triangular house in relation with a malefic planet, will in its own period first give good results, but the results will be unfavorable to the conclusion. 2. also harm if it has created Shrapit Yoga in the chart by sitting with Saturn in Therefore, it's not an acceptable planetary time for you. If we look after your present status, your 40th age of year should be the age when most probably you will get married as per your Dasha and planet positions. If we look after your overall career thing then yes you have the capability to reach the top as you must have great management and leadership skills, especially at your workplace. The bad effects of Rahu make the mind unstable, disputes in love life, and troubles in life. The native will take The person is intelligent, hardworking, and well-spoken, but does not get the support of younger-elder brothers and sisters and family. You may Even you will get very good result if the planet Mercury is conjoined with Sun creating Buddhaditya Yoga in the chart. The correspondence with Mesha (Aries) adds physical mobility and overall strength. Its body is amorphous and is that of a serpent. The GaneshaSpeaks Team. Rahu Mahadasha and Venus Antardasha is an adverse influence on Venus unless Rahu is good for the graph, and may distort the attitude of the native to healthful sex, relationship with females, and marriage. He might find success eluding him in his ventures. A Node at a sign owned by an adverse Saturn usually doesnt give good results in its sub or major periods. Whereas, the Antardasha behaves with relates to that subject, according to the active Planet Mahadasha. d) You may get involved in a family dispute, loss of money, the problem with spouse and children and difference of opinion with people. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'mahadasha_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_24',161,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mahadasha_com-narrow-sky-2-0');There is one more reason why we took 8th house into consideration as per your queries because Jupiter is also situated there and it is representing your colleagues and sub-ordinates in your horoscope. company and illicit affairs with other women. Will struggle a lot to grow in your profession but will reach good position. During The house suffers the most where Rahu is situated. Rahu in this position gives employment through government. But when Mars and Rahu are positive for the chart, the adverse outcomes of the impact will only manifest themselves in the kind of anger. a) If Moon is afflicted by Saturn, Rahu, Mars, Sun and Ketu, you can get the negative effect in this phase of Mahadasha. The Rahu The The natives defeat the enemies by influencing them. If you are looking for personalized Dasha Predictions then please check our Mahadasha and Antardasha Analysis services. peacock feather at home to neutralize the negative impact of Rahu. However, But there is difference between the better and good if you analyze the things properly. Rahu is referred to as chaya graha (Shadow Planet) because he is not a material manifestation. period according to Vimshottari system of calculation. The Mahadasha of Rahu can create legal issues, fight with siblings, enmity with political, influential and governmental people etc. So, the impact of what we have discussed is huge and perhaps the vice-versa of it will also be good, in terms of positive approaches towards the fulfillment of your career growth and desires. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. (iv) This type of combination from the 7th house will lead to an extremely disturbed married life. The person who has Rahu in their 8th house deals with the hidden associations, confidential information and risky secrets. harmful during its Mahadasha if has created Angarak yoga by sitting with Mars The person is always sad. The native with Rahu in 6th House for Leo Ascendant is selfish, rude and irreligious but always cautious. (i) Every time a Node is at the 3rd, 6th, or eleventh house, and doesnt own it, it is going to be an adverse planet for the horoscope. The mind remains troubled. Result of the Moon Mahadasha for Virgo Ascendant The native can get immense benefits if the native is born in the Virgo ascendant. Ganesha says, For Taurus natives, they might have a hard time at the start of the transit but after some time the issues and problems will be reduced and wont give you much of a hard time in life. The exact time period where there is a chance of getting married, During Rahu Mahadasha and Antardasha period until July 2021 as per your horoscope, (You should get married. many beneficial results in the life. of Rahu Mahadasha and Antardasha of Ketu is extremely dangerous if afflicted by 1). Dosh etc. and the team have been researching Vedic astrology and Nadi Shastra. The native could have difficulty from the government persons, or he might not get along with his father or elders of the family. The Rahu Antardasha bring legal cases, enmity, jail and many kinds of obstacles As an expanding minority of common people, the rejection may be accompanied by a greater part of their acceptance, whereas in the context of the wealthy, we have a much more receptive minority. Chirag Daruwalla is the son of Bejan Daruwalla will give you the right remedies to remove the Mahadasha of Rahu. Rahu Mahadasha also enhances a natives career to great leaps and bounds. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Not only this but also with your opposite circumstances, opponents, etc. Guru Antardasha. What is Rahu Mahadasha? Difficulties might be faced by his children. Enemies with political and influential backing also develop during this time. Mahadasha and Ketu Antardasha is extremely dangerous to the native. This is one of the most powerful Vishomttari administration period of Sun that continues for 6 years. qualifications, personality, type of family, etc. characteristics of a strong graha BPHS: counting the rays of the graha Thara graha. Start using this Yantra on any Wednesday Morning. This period is good for those in fields like cinema, television, music, arts, literature etc. Some astrologers also recommend gemstones to overcome the same. During the inauspicious Rahu Mahadasha, you are likely to face many problems. For detailed analysis, we have covered in marriage analysis in the previous report, kindly through it.). bring many harmful incidents in the life during Rahu Antardasha period. Considering that the Nodes are capable of overcoming the Sun and the Moon by blocking their mild theyre stronger than any other planet in the nativity. Get a Janam kundali and know your personalised prediction related to Mahadasha Phal in each Antardasha. Rahu Mahadasha For Virgo ascendant Ganesha says, the Virgos are the only ones who will remain unbothered in their life during this phase. Rahu also represents cheating, so under Rahu Mahadasha there is a great possibility that people related with the house where Rahu is sitting may cheat you. I understand that we have not specifically answered this question but we have explained the current situation because of which you are actually dealing with the low performance. The native with Rahu in 3rd House for Gemini Ascendant is bold and does not lose courage. You can get benefit with your career aspects only when you understand your opponent, whether it is any person, company, anyones portfolio, or any circumstances etc. Hell have difficulty from the enemies. Rahu is harsh on the subject, turning them inward, exiles, causing them to appear eccentric, turning them to be separate from the majority of people however, it is possible for new and original material to originate from the expansion of the words. This Rahu Mahadasha Jupiter Antardasha effect is productive of good results a lot of time. Ganesha says, the Leo natives might have a tough time in life and deal with it throughout. Rahu in 1st House for Taurus Ascendant in Vedic Astrology. Therefore, anything which is official and related to your religion and social that event should occur and that is marriage. It is indicating that you should get married under this dasha period especially during the current period if you try at your best with proper planning and analysis as stated and discussed above Rahu planet. To overcome few of these bad effects of chandra dasa, performing Maha Lakshmi Homam and feeding white cows are best known remedies. Copyright 2015-2023. Generally speaking, any planet can be beneficial if it is the lord of the 11 th house. You might feel some easiness in life but nothing major will give you trouble in life. any house. The natives health is also impacted during this time, if Mahadasha of Rahu is so ill placed. While Rahu keeps on with the breathless chase, Jupiter brings the much needed good luck, joviality, and expansion. wealth, knowledge, marriage with beautiful women, spiritual gains and social The native with Rahu in 1st House for Libra Ascendant is very cautious and always talks cleverly. Mars Mahadasha period and effects remain to exist till 7 Years in a Horoscope when it becomes active. The If the native does not remain aware of Rahu Mahadasha in his or her horoscope for a long time, then he or she may land in great trouble. Similarly, Rahu also has conjunction with your Ascendant that will result as a disturbance in your mind that might impact with confusions all the time that will not let you take right decisions in life. If everything else is absent, then Saturn becomes even more powerful and Rahu takes on the role of an agent. class people will fight with you. d) You may have issues in your job, demotion in your career and power, position and authority can also be reduced. Will lose many golden chances in career but will try to act with brave face. Your credit will go to someone else. Rahu has wonderful karma. Rahu Mahadasha affects the mental health of an individual, there will be a constant state of fear and mental pressure. Rahu is tricky and sneaky and creates . At the point when benefic in nature, magnified Rahu put in the main place of a virgo ascendant can favor the local with great outcomes identified with marriage, calling, funds, wellbeing, authority and numerous different sorts of good outcomes. His health can be disturbed and basic energy will below. More and more politicians are climbing the ladder in Rahu, but is this done through promotion or through bombast? It will bring all these c) It has been seen that the native gets highly influenced by negative or fake people and in his ambition to achieve more wealth that one loses a general sense of good and bad. Like in 10th house, people of your work environment may cheat you, in 9th house, your spiritual gurus may turn out to be a thug and in 3rd house your close neighbours may cheat you. The person gets into trouble in family life. Rahu is uninvited, in another land and is thought to be making an appearance with an aim to take something that was not wanted. Yes, you have strong chances of inter-caste marriage as Rahu is placed in your 7th house with the Nakshatra lord of Mercury who is also placed in the house of marriage 7th house So, there is a strong possibility of inter-caste marriage there is no doubt about it. Rahu f) The Mercury in your birth chart should be free from malefic planet Mars, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn to get an excellent result. Let me quickly share the remedies that need to be followed during Rahu Mahadasha: Rahu and Ketu represent the Raga-Dwesha game, which depicts the subconscious minds persistent attraction and repulsion. It can also bring bad result if it is posited in either Scorpio or Sagittarius. How you deal with them, etc Otherwise, things might not good for you. According to when you were born, different periods of your life will be 'dominated' by a particular planet. Some important effects positions are mentioned as below: (i) At the first, 4th, 5th, or the house in a positive sign, it may take the indigenous to a very high position and makes him rich. Mercury Mahadasha works best with planets like Venus, Sun, and Moon. d) You may feel lazy, get involved in legal cases, the threat of enemies and experiences a lot of hindrances in your life. The speech of the native can be fierce. In Hindu astrology, the North Node of Chandra (Moon) is known as Rahu. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Manoranjan Prusty is an astrologer, palmist, numerologist, Vastu Shastri, writer and digital marketing professional in one. However, However, a negative impact can affect the mental health, cause problems in career and family and cause financial loss, create enemies, etc. A Rajyoga and Rahu is correlated with this combination, the Rajyoga results will be given by Rahus character, which is capable of damaging the native to some great extent. The person loses his fame in society. planet Sun can also be good if it is placed in the own sign or exalted sign. Rahu in all 12 houses for Virgo Ascendant Ketu in all 12 houses for Virgo Ascendant Libra Ascendant Jupiter in all 12 houses for libra ascendant Moon in all 12 houses for libra ascendant Saturn in all 12 houses for Libra Ascendant Sun in all 12 houses for libra acendant Venus in all 12 houses for Libra Ascendant Currently, you are going through with the Rahu Mahadasha and your 7th house will impact the most due to Ketu as Rahu is also situated there. So, you are strongly requested not to be emotional towards your actions and circumstances to achieve any career goals. It is extremely harmful during the period Dasha of Rahu and Antardasha of Saturn. Any questions related to Rahu in 1st House for Virgo Ascendant in Vedic Astrology? Are you suffering from health issues or losses in your business? Since Its quite likely to trigger aberrations from the native. The Sun having an impact with Rahu in Leo is positive however, the native may have a bad relationship with his father. planet Moon signifies mind. If you are looking for personalized Dasha Predictions then please check our, Rahu Mahadasha Analysis Example Horoscope. So, beneficial results are expected at these signs. Its motor vehicle is a lion. Effects of mangal mahadasha shani antardasha include persistence of physical hardships, obstacles in career and wealth, pain as well as anxiety. With our research, our team Astrologer has also written many books like Vivaha, Samay, Phalit Sutram, and many more. Its by nature a malefic planet. The long of money, debts, obstacles in the studies of the kids, devoid He can have an exceptional ability that is legal. The afflictions of Rahu may be linked to subconscious chaos caused by unresolved events from previous lives.It denotes the need to comprehend the unconscious and subconscious mind in order to bring unresolved problems to the surface. Mars dasa gives moderate results based on its position. Obstacles go away. This technique can however turn into the traditional: Your Rahu is assisting you to move into an established order, guaranteed, or persuasive, or compelling position, and afterward there appropriates the best positions or gathers in abundant riches.. Which brings many bad effects in life. malefic planets such as Mars, Sun and Saturn. The native is promoted between the ages of 24 to 36 years. The native is with Rahu in 3rd House for Gemini Ascendant, timid and selfish. If you have kids, their behaviour will cause irritation. He is responsible for abortions, marital strife, and domestic issues. The native will certainly become very wealthy, but his wife would lose her family. There is discord in married life, there is a loss in partnership work, relations with the father are not good, and the person is an atheist, and travels abroad. Rahu, just like Ketu, is a shadow planet in astrology. Hence, a Mahadasha of Rahu can bring positive or negative results, based on affecting factors. Cancer natives also do not face severe issues in life by this transit. When Rahu comes in Gemini, the person gets complete happiness of land, house, and vehicle. Property and wealth accumulation is one of the benefits, during the correct . So, overall you are suggested to develop your creative skills for your career. dispute with political, administrative or bureaucratic people. Its vehicle is a white horse. Some of the remedial measures have been give here. natives life. Native keeps mental distress. Rahu often has accomplished many stellar bang or good catch achievements in the house in this category. On the other hand, Jupiters planet, a quick get trophies drawls are always occurred instantly, but require expansion; they use his powers. You are suggested to remove that thinking from your mind about having satisfaction within your circumstances. If he is working in a corporate sector then he would be surely at a good management level as he would be a career-oriented person with the enthusiasm for his work, presentation skills, and research. It is one of the most beneficial Mahadasha in life. and Dasha of Rahu. a) In contrast to the above, the conjunction between Rahu and Venus is considered as auspicious, and Venus Antardasha is said to lift the negative effects of Rahu Mahadasha. Rahu and Jupiter in 1st House. The native keeps his patience and influence to maintain his dignity and reputation in society. a) Huge financial losses due to which one may have to settle for a lowly job. the Scorpio. This combination at the seventh house leads to a reduction or marital discord of wealth as a result of women. the Rahu Mahadasha with Moon Antardasha can bring beneficial result if it is And you need to handle it with patience and calmness in life. The reason, Saturn is the lord of your Ascendant and he himself placed at the 8th house of planning and ups & downs. Rahu is found in the 2nd and 6th house (Rajangan), whereas he becomes debilitated in the 8th and 11th (the Haa). Rahu is a follower of all illicit traits. If you are in literature, accounting, banking etc, you will achieve topmost position. by Sun. Five million astrologers all over the world read Vidhya Mitra Astrology. Copyright 2023 Wellness Technologies Private Limited, For 100% Privacy, Security & Easy Access To Expert Astrologers, You will receive a 4 digit code for verification, Enter Your 4 Digit OTP Code on+91 7201040060Change. What is Rahu Mahadasha? Else Rahu is making you confused already. Get the This evil planet does not have a house. This combination from the 8th house shortens the longevity, provided the Sun is adverse for the chart. d) If Mercury is conjoined with Sun, then you have Buddha Aditya Yoga in your chart. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Capricorn Ascendant (Makara Lagna) Vimsottari dasas and, Taurus Ascendant (Vrishabh Lagna) Vimsottari dasas and, Sagittarius Ascendant (Dhanus Lagna) Vimsottari dasas and, Aquarius Ascendant (Kumbha Lagna) Vimsottari dasas and, Aries Ascendant (Mesha Lagna) - Vimsottari dasas and results, Interaction of number 1 with other numbers, Interaction of number 2 with other numbers, Prophetic Dreams of King Bimbisara in 19th century BCE, Trojan War is Brihaspati-Tara-Chandra story, Origin of Lunar Dynasty, World before start of Satya (Krita) Yuga, Solar Dynasty and Beyond. Its tamasik, dark in complexion and thievish by nature. Virgo Personality with Rahu This is a highly fortunate position for Rahu to be in. It runs for a period of 16 years based on the Vimshottari system of time calculation. family dispute, scandal, jail term and separation from the village, city and Hence, the native will have negative effect if the Handle things in life wisely. Its very handsome to look at, has curly hair, and beautiful eyes. Rahu Mahadasha along with Saturn Antaradasha is not a good combination for the native's health. The Where you have to face some major issues in the love life by this transit of Rahu. Additionally, it suggests the native would suffer from poor health in childhood and would get hurt in his early years times. Venus will take whatever good things she can get, but she doesnt care whether she gets hold of them; she is just gobbling them up, however. During When the male and female signs of Sun and Venus are placed in a horoscope, Rahu will provide bad results. Rahu influencing the Sun may cause indecisiveness, warped thinking, and illusions about the self. During Mars(kuja) dasa of 7 years, real estate business will be good. There is the Ganesha says, the Virgos are the only ones who will remain unbothered in their life during this phase. If it creates a fantastic yoga with some other planets, the potency of this type of planet, under the adverse influence or of adverse great results. Will it be an inter-caste marriage or not. If Rahu is under the influence of any benefic planet, then some auspicious results can be obtained. The yoga will function if conditions and only are satisfied less. you have silver lining if the planet Saturn is well placed. We hope you understand the points, discussed above and it will surely provide you progress in your life towards your career and married life. Online Kundali Matching by Date of Birth Only, Mercury Mahadasha and Antardasha Analysis. A Node at a common indication, the owner of that owns a triangular house gives good result well-positioned placed Node at a common indication, the owner of that owns an angular house gives good results. Do you have Grahan Dosh, Vish Yoga or Kendrum Yoga in your birth chart? if it is positive then its okay like stock trading, import-export, etc. (ii) Every time a Node is at the sign or constellation of an owner of the 6th, or 8th house, or is in relation with the owner of one of those houses, which is an adverse planet for the horoscope, it is going to be adverse to the chart. The Mahadasha of Jupiter is known as the Guru Mahadasha. b) Rahu Mahadasha is known to last for 18 years. The native is always worried about his health. However, if it is placed in Leo's own sign or exalted in the Aries the Surya Mahadasha can bring beneficial results. Will develop revenge taking attitude on those who create hurdles for them. These periods are called 'dashas'. (iii) (a) In case the Node is put within an angle also has a relation with the owner of a triangle, or(b) it is placed in a triangle and has a relationship with the owner of an angle, it becomes extremely potent to do good to the indigenous. studies and overseas travel. During the Mahadasha of Rahu with Rahu well placed, the natives become very optimistic and commanding. adventurous decision if the planet Mars is aspected by Jupiter. And, in order to achieve that you are must be needed to have a creative approach towards your work and especially towards the direct reporting management level to get the promotions and benefit out of your work. the period of Moon Antardasha with Rahu Mahadasha the native will have mental Saturn in 1st House for Leo Ascendant Vedic Astrology, Saturn in 9th House for Libra Ascendant in Vedic Astrology, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Moon in 9th House for Scorpio Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 1st House for Pisces Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 4th House for Cancer Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 2nd House for Sagittarius Ascendant in Astrology. However, your Ascendants lord Saturn is situated at the 8th house which is of research and analysis, ups and downs, etc. Rahu gives the native dreams to soar, but Virgo's gravitational pull keeps the native well-grounded to reality. It is likely to have the below mentioned malefic impact: Rahu, when placed with Saturn in any house, creates the Shrapit Yoga. Marriage happens late. g) Sudden loss of wealth and injury due to an accident. Please make a note that your desires will not work, your aims will work. Please find the answers to your questions related to marriage and career. Kindly ask only 1 question at a time. When Rahu is properly positioned or exalted, it can bestow strength, fame, political success, wealth, and physical beauty (i.e., attraction). Rahu is regarded as Saturn. b) The Moon is associated with your mind, and so you may suffer from anxiety, depression, panic attacks and obsessive-compulsive disorder due to the malefic effect of the Moon. Astrology provides you the paths where you can go and make your life better. About the promotions, performance, and whether you would be able to reach the top etc.