Stuckey Rodeo Stock miniature bucking bulls Kyle Stuckey Camrose AB find us on Facebook Contact us for details about the breed and/or for information on what we have available. You Can Get Yourself A Fluffy Miniature Cow For A Pet - 99.5 WKDQ Fabios Belted Galloway Jules Fabios Mulmur ON email Our fullblood miniature Highlands are registered with the Heartland Highland Cattle Association. I don't know that he still calls them Toy Sundogs anymore. Hunting Creek Miniature Jersey Cows 10 Places With Mini Cows For Sale In NC (2023) What Makes Highland Cattle So Ideal for Western North Carolina? Ou Animal - Applied. 10 places with miniature cows for sale in North Carolina (NC). Lilliput Farm Miniature Highlands Zach & Tami Reardon Morristown IN 317-694-0297 email Find us on FB @lilliputhighlands These cattle are a result of a specific breeding program spanning more than 50 years. Shadow Mountain Miniature Herefords Dan Taylor Genola UT 801-361-4703 reg show quality purebreds This meant a cow was able to provide both milk and meat for a family. You've disabled JavaScript in your web browser. M&Ms Furcreek Dexters Maggie Tuchelt Watson SK 306-287-8807 We also have miniature highparks and registered miniature jerseys! USA: Illinois (IL) Lil Angels Farm Registered Gyr, Sardo, Indu breeds, Highlands, Highparks, HighSpeckles, Silver roan, reconstructed Blue Albion, and Blue roan fluffy cows Jenny Raabe-Eastep Franklin TN email SPRING TRAIL RANCH Miniature Hereford Cattle " One of the finest small Homestead & Miniature Cattle Breeder Directory Diamond WR Cattle Co FB & % American Aberdeen, "Mini Moderators" Joy Rogerson Reagan TX 254-644-6935 email Breeder of fullblood and percentage registered American Aberdeen Red & Black Angus and registered American Aberdeen "Mini" Moderators (Mini Hereford x Aberdeen Angus.) like my Daddy ! USA: Indiana (IN) He couldnt wrap his mind around their furry existence! We are accepting pre-birth deposits Breeds of Miniature Cattle Miniature Cows are great tax write-offs for the small acreage farmer. All cattle have been grass and hay fed as well as vaccinated and wormed. Welcome To Our Ranch. I have a miniature cows for sale she is breed due to calf in July she is about 3 years old this will be the cows 2nd calf. TnT farms goal is to produce colorful painted Miniature Zebu with the conformation to WIN in shows--most have competed in the show ring and most of them have WON. Byers Farm Irish Dexter Harley Byers Frankville ON 613-275-2336 email Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Rolling 7 Ranch Co Miniature Highlands, Belties & British Whites Travis Heck NE They raise and sell registered mini zebu cows and pygmy goats. Find us on Facebook. Quality - Our miniature herd receives the best mineral, hay, feed and proper vaccinations. DOB 03/18/19. Plum Creek Little Cattle Co Dexters Steven & Cherrie Wood Somerset WI 715-247-5454 email North Carolina Indexed by Cattle Class. USA: New York (NY) We have mid-size mini, micro mini and registered Scottish Highlands. Thank you. Meet the cows of Happy Hens & Highlands Farm and the couple who harnessed social media to try a new kind of farming. Burnsville, NC. They MUST be with other cows. USA: Louisiana (LA) I have 5 total miniature bovine, 5 year old Belted Galloway cow that hand milks, a 4 year old mid size jersey cow mixed with mini jersey. Canada: Alberta (AB) USA: New Hampshire (NH) We strive for the best genetic lines for our miniature cattle cows and bulls. Miniature Highland Cattle Sale Kierra and RJ and practicing both packing and packing panniers with the Zebu. Canada: New Brunswick (NB) is part of the Homestead Cattle Association (HCA) community NC > Buy & Sell > Garden Items For Sale in Eastern North Carolina, NC > Miniature cows - $600 (Snow hill) Miniature cows - $600 (Snow hill) View larger image. We now have our Mini herd, and our regular beef herd (which is still small framed cows, just not quite mini). Bertha's Bounty Dexters Lisa Ayers Fonthill ON 905 682 3084 Sunnyfield's Macho Man and Sunnyfield's Fawn. with on a daily basis making them very tame. Sunnyfield Farms little cows are Feel free to. 2023 Rocking L Ranch | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Some animals that we breed include mini pigs, goats & sheep, puppies, and large hoof-stock (ponies, cows, alpacas, etc). AnFarra Farms Irish Dexters, Mini Belties, Mini Hereford Angie Nadon Bailieboro ON 705-939-1999 email bottle babies are imprinted at birth with the human touch and worked show animals for sale private treaty. SOLD SOLD SOLD. Cattle For Sale - 2149 Listings | Auctions are live & online; centrally located, all breeds welcome. Midnight Mini Cattle Co Elkland MO A5 Ranch homestead dairy cows Jonnie Archuleta Fallon NV Mid & Mini Jerseys, a couple Belfair and Dexter milk cows, Please South Arrow Ranch Miniature Belted Galloway Round Mountain TX 830-733-0472 email Our Little Acres Est 2006 Mini cows for sale in Wisconsin 715-431-1748 , Grantsburg Wisconsin United States 54840 H & R Ranch miniature Polled Herefords Chuck & Beverly Dale Heath TX 972-743-5870 email H and R Ranch is one of the oldest polled miniature cattle herds in Texas. Hill Top Dexter Cattle David & LaDena Headley Lufkin TX 409-779-3796 email ADCA Registered, Sire and Dam Qualified, PHA/Chondro free cattle. Her dam is "Jasmine" on our website and she is a nice producing milk cow for us. We breed proportionate cattle, with correct conformation, and well attached udders. LNL MiniFarm mini Jersey X and Lowline X Levon & Lynn Sargent Henagar AL 256-717-7486 email We raise mixed beef & dual purpose miniature cattle. View on a Map Our miniature cow breeds include Angus, Hereford, and Murray Grey. Delivery is available for $2 per loaded mile. Fitz's Golden Dexters Angie Gaines Kaufman TX 214-794-1776 Our Irish Dexter cattle are registered with Legacy Dexter Cattle. Happy Highland Cows. Mini Pleasures Farm Miniature Jersey and Lowline Julie Pratt Willey Adairsville GA 678-918-6636 email Available Calves of 2023. We began this journey on a mission to raise Micro and Miniature Scottish Highlands with quality genetics, docile dispositions, and to generationally reduce the size of our calves. Vanishing Springs Ranch Registered Miniature Herefords Terry and Rebekah Rodgers Crockett TX 512-567-5848 email We raise some of the most adorable registered miniature herefords that you will find anywhere! Are You Selling Miniature Cows In NC And Arent Listed Here? Hidden Pond Ranch Lowline Angus, Miniature Hereford, Belted Galloway Steve & Kathy McHugh Terrell TX 269-369-7257 Member of ALR, AHA, MHBA, BGS, TSCRA; also have Belted Lowline Angus and Moderator Plus cattle. out of Sunnyfield's Holly Time (Holly is a daughter to Sunnyfield's Thundering Hill Miniature Jersey & Belted Lowline Cattle Lorries Luck Farm Miniature Belfair (Jersey, Dexter) Deloris Willis, Annie Karakachan Dixon MO email 2016, all rights reserved; Mx2 Ranch Scottish Highlands Russell Metcalf Brighton MO 417 259 7935 email "Special Little Cows": Highlands, Mini Highlands and some crosses Wiggins Lowline & Hereford cattle Debbie Wiggins Kountze TX 409-363-1627 email They should be 44 inches or less at the hook bone at 3 years of age. Bergheim Mini Herefords Richard McLean Boerne TX 830 336 2862 email Visit our Website. You can check the list of mini Hereford calves on their website contact them directly to get the latest information, prices, and photos. Their height is usually armpit level at max. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. For Sale: Bred and open cows, heifers, cow/calf pairs, steers available. You will definitely find one you cant resist to bring home. 2023 Rocking L Ranch | All Rights Reserved |. She has a great disposition. Happy Hoof Acres mini Highlands Murray & Rebecca Handfield Dawson Creek BC find Rebecca on FB Raising Miniature Herefords exclusively with ranch land in Texas, Colorado, and New Mexico. Any email harvested from this website, namely, the Homestead & Miniature Cattle Breeder Directory, if ever used in the past or in the future, to transmit unsolicited emails, to breeders who are / were listed here, is in direct violation of the CAN-SPAM Act, updated: Friday, August 13, 2021; and may be reported & held accountable. Search our North Carolina Cattle For Sale & Marketing database and connect with top rated Cattle For Sale in North Carolina. Number of Head: 20. We do not seek to accommodate fads in the bovine world. Miniature Highland Cows for Sale at Our Little Acres in Rush City unique and when you experience one for yourself you will understand Porter Livestock Keith Porter Wellington CO 720-273-5350 email We raise miniature belties, beef crossbreds. Green Mountain Farm miniature Durham Shorthorn Russ & Nikki Groen Woodland WA email small seedstock preservation herd from Lazy B Lightening Ranch. Broken Branch Lowlines Registered quality fullblood Lowline Angus Denton, TX email Our breeding program is designed to give you a calf that you can enjoy and cherish for many years. Kenny and Ali finally visited North Carolina the end of June 2015 for a visit to our ranch, and made the statement that Spring Trail Ranch has the finest herd of Miniature Herefords on the East Coast ! Browse equine properties for sale in North Carolina. for sale. greensboro for sale "jersey cow" - craigslist Find us on FB @ CuteLittleCows. this page for animals as they become available or contact us - Cattle for Sale. They are very docile. USA: Washington (WA) Miniature cows cost $1,800 to $3,500 depending on the size, markings, and color. Mini Scottish Highland Info | Cyrus Ridge Farm Lovable Little Ones - Mini Cows For Sale Golden Curls Ranch is proud to breed the tradional Irish Dexter cattle which provide both milk and meat. 2 Men & a Hen miniature Highland composites Ryan & Christopher Thatcher Barryton MI We raise Irish Dexters, miniature Highlands, HighParks, HighShires, Mangalitsa pigs, Nigerian Dwarf goats and chickens that do well on small homesteads using traditional farming methods. C8 Ranch mixed mini belties Curtiss & Ramona Craddock Hollis OK email 580-471-7283, 580-381-0242 Showgirl is an IMZA registered miniature zebu cow. Double S Pint Sized Miniatures Miniature Highland, Highpark, & Speckle Park Cattle Shayne & Shelby Blosky Breton AB 587-277-7207 email We started raising smaller framed cattle for our beef production, and it has evolved into 2 separate herds. USA: Utah (UT) Cannabis; Corn; Cotton; Crop Protection; Seed; Soil Health; Soybeans; Weeds; Wheat Their smaller size makes them ideal for homestead and family farms. For any other inquiries on how to place your order, price per livestock or shipment cost, do not hesitate to contact us. Winestone Farms Belted Galloway & Dexter Cattle Jodi Wirtzberger Greenville TX We offer Mini Panda semen. Miniature cows for sale - bulls only. Our cattle are disease tested free/clear, non chondro and healthy. perfect pet steer! Our goal is to raise the smallest and sweetest cows ever known to man. Lazy L Ranch mini Hereford Ray Lopez Galveston TX 979-482-6628 Sunnyfield's Constellation and Sunnyfield's Rose. Our Motto: 'Pretty Beef is What's for Dinner.' The Little Farm That Could Family Milk Cows: Jerseys, Midsize Jerseys, Lowlines, Dexters Cricket Bishop Garden Valley CA 530-919-1115 email post. Heritage Herefords represent the breed frame and disposition of stock that first came to America from England in the early 1800's. Canada: Welcome to Sunnyfield Farm's Miniature Zebu Cattle. Dit R Done Mini Bucking Bulls Kerri Ann Ditter Gill CO 970-819-8661 email White Rock Mountain Ranch Dexter Lonnie Ruesch St. George UT We breed cattle that are grass efficient AND beautiful to look at. So if you are looking for fluffy cows for sale, . We strive to keep our cattle bred small without dwarfism. Bred Heifers. Another Hereford trait. Wee Hoofs miniature Jersey, Scottish Highland SvetLana Fedje Evansville MN 714-200-5529 email We have one fullblood miniature Highland bull. Maynard's Triple M miniature British breeds Brent & Amy Maynard Overton County TN 303-214-9847 Specializing in breeds from the British Isles. IdleWild is a family-owned ranch in the heart of Central Florida and largest breeder of registered Miniature HERITAGE Hereford cattle in Florida. Visit their Facebook page for news and updates and contact them directly for more information on available animals. Didaskalos Farm miniature Jersey cattle Craig & Elizabeth Scott Donalds SC email and Ayam Cemani chickens. Milk Maid Ranch has been in the cattle business for over 20 years breeding Dexters & miniature crosses with Holsteins, Jersey, Belgian Blue, Dutch Belteds & Belted Galloways. They work and show. Schulz Farms Miniature Herefords Greg Schulz Amarillo TX 979-429-0208 Mature cows should be 300 to 500 pounds; mature bulls from 400 to 600 pounds. Rocking Robin Ranch Miniature Jerseys John & Robyn Hutchison Prescott AZ 928-925- 6886 email We breed quality A2/A2 small Miniature Jersey cattle.

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miniature cows for sale in north carolina