People believed that the moon caused craziness, which may be why she's the way she is. Her mother accidentally died while experimenting with spells when Luna was nine and thus Luna was raised by her father, editor of the magazine The Quibbler, in a rook-like house near the village of Ottery St Catchpole in Devon. "Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure," said Luna in a sing-song voice. For the best Harry Potter monologues that will help hone your skills and show off your creative side, read our list below. Ron eventually grew fonder of Luna, marking her as his good friend, after getting to know her better through Dumbledore's Army and her being one of the only D.A. However, Ron was still prone to tease Luna and scoff at her unusual beliefs at times. [18], When Luna was preparing to leave Hogwarts, she left the suitcase in Hagrid's hands and they asked the student to help him with it. Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixGinny Weasley introduces Neville and Luna. "You're not going mad or anything. After the students went on an adventure and got back safely, Luna continued to wait with them for the Thunderbird to appear. Hagrid then approached them and asked if they had seen Borklump. Luna's birthday is the 13th February. They found a Moke, which Luna feared was wanted by poachers for making Mokeskin pouches. Luna then guided both the injured Ginny and the Confunded Ron until they met up with Harry and Neville. She also believed in the fable of the Lost Diadem, a crucial Ravenclaw item and a Horcrux, which turned out to be a turning point in Harry's battle against Voldemort. Don't worry, they'll come back, they always do in the end. But Ive still got Dad. [7], At some point, Luna went to Diagon Alley to purchase some Moon Frogs, which she believed to have been brought back by a wizard who flew to the moon on a broomstick. Evanna Lynch, AKA Luna Lovegood, Is A Babe Now We are *totally* under her spell. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . I still feel very sad about it sometimes. ", Daddy, look one of the gnomes actually bit me!. The two were very friendly, as Ginny led Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom into her train compartment in 1995, conversing politely with her.[5]. As the year progressed, she was invited to join an underground Defence Against the Dark Arts group called Dumbledore's Army, which was taught and led by Harry Potter. with "A circle has no beginning." RELATED: Harry Potter: 5 Most Inspirational Luna Lovegood Scenes (& 5 Where Fans Felt Sorry For Her) She showed that she had a very artistic and inventive side in both her fashion sense and her creation of the lion-head mascot. In the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, she states that she often sleep-walks at night and wears her shoes to bed just in case. [13], Up until the Battle of Hogwarts, Luna stayed at the cottage for the remainder of the war, and when Dobby was buried, she closed the house-elf's eyes and provided the eulogy, thanking him for rescuing her. In 1996, Harry asked Luna to attend Professor Slughorn's Christmas party with him as friends after reflecting on how "he had never met anyone quite like her". Other students gave her the nickname of "Loony Lovegood" and even stole and hid her things. Hermione's opinion of Luna particularly seemed to improve after Luna proved her loyalty and bravery by participating in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, as she simply accepted that she and Luna had very different world views. [5] The following school year, Luna comforted Hermione over her fight with Ron Weasley when she ended up crying in the bathroom at one point. Luna and Ginny stood guard while Harry and Hermione snuck into Professor Umbridge's office, to use the fireplace to try to contact Sirius, while Ron attempted to distract Umbridge. The student freed it from its trap, and Luna noticed it took a liking to them. Ron and Luna both survived the war, and the good friends remained in contact in adulthood. She and the rest of her students calmed the Thunderbird down and cleaned her wounds, but still found her upset about losing her egg. [15][22][23] According to Rita Skeeter, Luna wore a wedding dress decorated with rainbows and spangles, and a tiara of silver unicorn horns, which her husband supposedly looked at with a shocked expression. [13], The prisoners in Malfoy Manor were soon joined by Harry, Ron, Dean Thomas, and Griphook the goblin, while Hermione was tortured for information upstairs by Bellatrix Lestrange. [7], Robyn and Kevin were at the time using Omnioculars to inspect the field, so she and the unidentified student joined them. But she never let that stop her living her best self. [15][16][21], Luna married fellow naturalist Rolf Scamander, grandson of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them author Newt Scamander, considerably later in life than Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny, who all married and started families in their early-to-mid twenties. As she witnessed her mother's death, she was able to see Thestrals, the magical skeletal black horses that led the Hogwarts carriages, from that point onward. Luna then watched as the student was attacked and dropped from the cliff. Luna Lovegood Character Analysis. She married Rolf Scamander, the grandson of Newt Scamander, a famed Magizoologist, with whom she had twin sons, Lorcan and Lysander. She informed them that a second egg had been damaged, and without care from its unwilling mother, it might never hatch. J. K. Rowling's favourite character was Luna Lovegood.[46]. [6], Towards Christmas, Luna comforted Hermione Granger after Ron Weasley mocked her in Transfiguration and Hermione ran into the girl's bathroom in tears. The student regretted trusting Qui and vowed to bring the egg back, which reminded Luna of someone she knew that was also dedicated to finding the truth. When Luna was abducted by Death Eaters in 1997 to force Xenophilius to stop opposing the Voldemort-controlled Ministry of Magic in The Quibbler, her father was beside himself. A loyal friend and a true Ravenclaw. It's easy to get home from work and flop in front of the TV, but you'll feel so much better if you catch up on the stuff you love. Although Luna Lovegood wasn't a part of the core group of wizarding world heroes that consisted of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger, she was still a close friend to the golden trio and an essential part of the fight against Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Harry looked up: Luna Lovegood had drifted over from the Ravenclaw table. Everybody looked at her. Quotes by and about Luna Lovegood - Harry Potter Lexicon On 1 September, Death Eaters boarded the train in search of Harry Potter, but were unsuccessful in capturing him because he wasn't on board. [7], During another investigation session, Luna was shocked to find the unidentified student posing with a Thunderbird egg while Qui took their picture, and urged them to stop before the Thunderbird mother came back. Some theories she believed in included: Sirius Black being Stubby Boardman, that Rufus Scrimgeour was a vampire, that the Aurors were part of the Rotfang Conspiracy to bring down the Ministry of Magic from within using Dark magic and gum disease, that the Tutshill Tornados were top of the league by a combination of bewitched brooms and torture, that Cornelius Fudge ordered goblins to be made into pies, drowned, or assassinated in other various ways, had an army of Heliopaths, and used the Department of Mysteries to develop terrible poisons to feed to anyone who disagreed with him. Luna and Hermione also fought at the Battle of the Astronomy Tower and the Battle of Hogwarts, where she, Seamus Finnigan, and Ernie Macmillan saved Hermione, Harry and Ron from Dementors. (cheerfully to DEMENTOR) Happy thoughts. [7], She went back with the student to where the Thunderbird was and explained her condition to them. Lynch was a huge fan of the series before she was cast. Both were wonderful in their own ways but they walked different (yet totally brilliant) paths in life. She told the students to raise their wands but not to attack, as they were, from the creatures' perspective, intruders who were attempting to steal their dinner. View 0 thoughts swirling around the pensieve. Yes, Luna Lovegood is a good person. Luna Lovegood: It's a charm actually. It is presumed that Luna had a nice family life based on her later attitude about her life. (turns to look) Oh, a Dementor! Luna Lovegood Actress Evanna Lynch on Dumbledore Sexuality - Insider [13], On her way home over the Christmas holidays, Death Eaters captured Luna because her father had been printing stories in support of Harry. They're working to bring down the Ministry of Magic from within using a mixture of dark magic and gum disease." J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Three more people had arrived out of the darkness to stand beside them, their wands outstretched, continuing to cast their Patronuses: Luna, Ernie, and Seamus. Evanna Lynch plays Luna in the films, and since Evanna is Irish, Luna has a slight touch of an Irish accent. She had straggly, waist-length, dirty blonde hair, very pale eyebrows, and protuberant eyes that gave her a permanently surprised look.Description of Luna's physical appearance. Community content is available under. Luna Lovegood is one of the most eccentric and fascinating characters in Harry Potter's circle of friends. [21], In 2014, Luna and Rolf attended the 427th Quidditch World Cup along with the rest of her friends in Dumbledore's Army. I dont like dancing very much. She retreated behind The Quibbler again. [13], It was believed that Luna was held captive at Azkaban, though she was actually imprisoned in the basement of Malfoy Manor, along with the famed wandmaker Garrick Ollivander, to whom she proved a great comfort. Theyre invisible. The six D.A. 15 Totally Flawless Movie Monologues - [6], Luna once gave Harry a note from Albus Dumbledore telling him to come to his office for a private lesson. Luna seemed to have enjoyed artistic pursuits in her free time; her house was filled with various things that she painted. Ginny seemed to find Luna rather peculiar, as she first referred to Luna as "Loony Lovegood" (though in an affectionate way). She then spoke with the unidentified student in private and asked them not to tell Archibald about the suitcase since he often disagreed with Newt Scamander and argued about his, and let them rejoin the class. In Requiem for a Dream, widow and mother Sara (Ellen Burstyn) is invited to take part in her favourite game show, and in . Harry Potter: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Luna Lovegood - ScreenRant The model blew up in the Death Eater's face; however, the impact broke Ginny's ankle. Published on Jan 29th 2016. They conversed about the possibility of a Manticore mother existing somewhere on the grounds. Luna had a unique fashion sense that other people usually found bizarre. Many found Luna's commentary amusing, as Luna forgot players' names and went off on tangents such as speculating that Smith, who was unable to maintain procession of the Quaffle for longer than a minute, was suffering from "Loser's Lurgy", or saying how a cloud was interestingly shaped. Thus, Luna was subsequently raised by Xenophilius alone for the rest of her life. J. K. Rowling has said that the character of Luna took her by surprise, but that she was very fun to write, and contrasted her with Hermione Granger: "She's slightly out of step in many ways but she's the anti-Hermione. Five Death Eaters were surging into the room through the door she had not reached in time; Luna hit a desk, slid over its surface and onto the floor on the other side where she lay sprawled, as still as Hermione. [13], Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsLuna encouraging Harry to perform the Patronus Charm during the battle, When the trio asked the Ravenclaw D.A. At the end of the school year, Luna spoke to Harry, who was mourning the murder of his godfather and had found no comfort in talking to ghosts. Luna had also met Garrick Ollivander, the wandmaker, at the Malfoy Manor, where they were both imprisoned. Her curiosity and kindness persisted when she entered adulthood. members if they were familiar with an item that had once belonged to their house founder, Luna mentioned the lost diadem. Hello' said a vague and dreamy voice from behind them. Evanna Patricia Lynch is an Irish actress. She also displayed admirable bravery during both the Battle of the Department of Mysteries and the Battle of Hogwarts. . Primary editor: Lisa Waite Bunker.Original page date 23 January, 2005; Last page update 25 January, 2008. From her insane conspiracy theories to her bizarre wardrobe, it's hard not to notice Luna. It means you're brave enough to be yourself - Luna Lovegood, It's alright" said a dreamy voice from beside Harry as Ron vanished into the coach's dark interior. The three of them revived and led Dumbledore's Army, which tried to sabotage the Death Eaters' control of the school and to help Harry, Ron and Hermione who were off hunting down Voldemort's Horcruxes in any way they could. However, this was all changed when Pandora was accidentally killed while experimenting with a spell that she created when Luna was nine years old. [45] She was also noted to be very pleased with the casting of Evanna Lynch as Luna as she had had lunch with the actress and said she was "perfect". The Aurors are part of the Rotfang Conspiracy, I thought everyone knew that. Luna may be one of the best female friends of Ginny (along with Hermione), as she was only seen with these girls during her school-time at Hogwarts. She met Cassandra Vole and the aforementioned unidentified student in the Great Hall while they were talking about making friends, and remarked that despite the dark times, it was still an opportunity to make as many friends as possible. She also contacted a friend living nearby that had access to phoenixes, and requested for some of their tears to heal the Thunderbird. She first appears in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, where she is described as having straggly, waist-length dirty-blond hair and a dazed, dreamy look on her face. When she attended his brother Bill's wedding, Ron was further amused by her behaviour and remarked that she gave "good value". Loser's Lurgy is not proven to exist, but it was true that when Smith lost in Quidditch he thus acted accordingly. Rowling tells what happens next, The Unwritten Story of Harry's Friends and Their Children, Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Patronus Charm",,,,,, Empire, The 25 Greatest Harry Potter Characters,, Video: Evanna Lynch talks Wizarding World of Harry Potter Gringotts ride, projects, veganism. She was initially frustrated with Luna's belief in all manner of things without logical grounds or proof. Full Version. Its so unfair that you had to die, when you were so good and brave. [25], Before the last test, Archibald recalled his encounter with a Graphorn. After Hermione left, Harry asked Luna if she would like to go to Professor Slughorn's Christmas party with him, just as friends, and Luna excitedly accepted his invitation. Luna Lovegood | Origin and History | The 20+ Best Luna Lovegood Quotes & Lines from Harry Potter - Geek Trippers Of course you do. members, such as Seamus Finnigan and Ernie Macmillan, who she was seen fighting alongside during the Battle of Hogwarts. She left Shell Cottage when she, Dean, Bill and Fleur went to fight in the Battle of Hogwarts. He was particularly amused by her Quidditch commentary in 1996[6] and thought highly of her bravery. All about Luna Lovegood | Wizarding World In the video game adaptation of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Luna's role is much the same as her role in the film, though we do not meet her until Harry goes to find the people who signed up for the D.A. . 15 Totally Flawless Movie Monologues - She wore robes made of the flags of all sixteen qualifying countries, but her twins were at home with their grandpa and did not come. Originally published on Pottermore. It was Harry's Patronus that caused the Dementors to finally scatter. Evanna Lynch - IMDb 10 Harry Potter Monologues that Challenge Your Creativity Welcome back. 3. Theyre working to bring down the Ministry of Magic from within using a combination of Dark Magic and gum disease. (HBP15), Harry: Surely nobody in their right mind would have let Luna Lovegood commentate? Dean still seemed rather bemused at some of the odd things Luna said at times, but did not ridicule her and was seen helping her in the Room of Requirement just before the Battle of Hogwarts. (OP10), Oh, yes, said Luna, Ive been able to see them ever since my first day here. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Her ingenious solutions to problems When Harry believed Sirius was in danger, he desperately tried to think of a way to get to the Ministry of Magic to rescue him. She then wished them well in their investigation and hoped that they could make many friends with the creatures and enjoy the unique landscape, while reminding them that the desert also had its danger. I can see them too. By Jamie Feldman Apr 6, 2016, 08:47 AM EDT Remember Luna Lovegood, also known as actress Evanna Lynch, the strange but lovable friend of Harry Potter? During her tenure as the Field Studies professor at Hogwarts, she showed immense care and responsibility for her students, as can be seen when she feared for their safety. [5], That summer, Luna and her father went to Sweden using the money the Daily Prophet paid them to reprint The Quibbler's interview with Harry to see if they could catch a Crumple-Horned Snorkack. I see them too. The group was soon ambushed by twelve Death Eaters.[5]. But it's a different concept of magic to the one laid out in the books, so I don't really see how they can co-exist. Luna attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1992 to 1999 and was sorted into Ravenclaw House. The Lovegoods' home was largely destroyed with an erumpent horn, which Xenophilius had believed to be a Crumple-Horned Snorkack's, blew up inside. And this is the first chance weve had to do something real or was that all just a game or something?No of course it wasnt said Harry impatiently.Then we should come too, said Neville simply. She then put on a brightly coloured pair of free "Spectrespecs" that were from inside the Quibbler. Luna may be one of the best female friends of Hermione (along with Ginny), as she was only seen with these girls during her school-time at Hogwarts. [25], At the camp, Luna asked her students to familiarise themselves with the facilities, and pointed them to the places where clues were stored and where they could improve their investigative skills. Snape caught them and sent them into the Forbidden Forest with Rubeus Hagrid as punishment. During the 19971998 school year, Luna and Hagrid both acted in opposition to the Death Eaters' regime at Hogwarts, and Luna, along with Ginny and Neville, once served detention with Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest when they were caught by Snape. Free Monologues and 2 Actor Scenes - Angelfire [27] Luna also instructed them on how she performed the Stamina Charm, which instantly improved their casting both when used on themselves and teammates and allowed them to accompany her in her search for Bowtruckles and Thunderbirds to mentor them how to detect and look after them, improving their focus. He cant believe it, he says people seem even more interested in this than the Crumple-Horned Snorkacks! (OP26), We were all in the D.A. [29], I've never Stunned anyone except in our DA lessons. Because of her father's political dissidence at the time, Luna was abducted by Death Eaters to be held ransom, and imprisoned in the dungeons of Malfoy Manor for months. She is a two-player duelling character and is unlocked (with Draco Malfoy) by retrieving two crests. Nevertheless, she witnessed the students' capabilities and announced that they had passed the exam. together, said Neville quietly. In the films, Harry meets her at the school carriages where she is introduced by Hermione instead of Ginny. Professor[7] Luna Scamander[17][18] (ne Lovegood) (b. Good thinking, said Luna very seriously. Luna Lovegood was someone who got picked on and teased and generally mistreated by a lot of Hogwarts students. Luna witnessed Harry Potter's final defeat of Lord Voldemort and was among the first to congratulate him. And then a silver hare, a boar, and a fox soared past Harry, Ron, and Hermione's heads: The dementors fell back before the creatures' approach. Now he could be sleeping., Come, daddy, Harry doesn't want to talk to us right now. Everybody looked at her. [18], Later, Luna went to the Forbidden Forest to investigate and was found by the student. She continued the discussion of the Rotfang Conspiracy with Professor Trelawney, who seemed completely interested. The student found it hard to believe that one could travel to the moon on a broomstick, but Luna thought nothing was impossible with magic and suggested wearing Dirigible Plum earrings to be able to more easily accept the extraordinary. Luna was very good at comforting others. (OP35), Oh well she shrugged. She then analysed that the Thunderbird must've just been in a fight, but with what she couldn't tell. Luna was often the subject of ridicule and had difficulty making friends. (OP11), Luna took a treat breath and then said, without so much as a preliminary hello: I believe He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is back, and I believe you fought him and escaped from him.Er right, said Harry awkwardly. Luna has told me all about you, young lady. 13 February 1981) was a witch and the only child and daughter of Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood. The student was not familiar with the creature and learnt what it was from Luna, who stressed the importance of attentive observation. He took Luna, Dean and Ollivander to Shell Cottage, the home of Bill and Fleur Weasley, and then returned to assist Harry, Hermione, Ron and Griphook in escaping the Manor. [8], There's room in this one, there's only Loony Lovegood in here Don't be silly, she's all right.Ginny Weasley introducing Luna to Nevile Longbottom. After the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, they discussed the death of Sirius Black and the possibility of an afterlife. It's also quite possible that Harry became friends with her husband (Rolf Scamander) and close to her twins, Lorcan and Lysander. [6], At Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour's wedding, Hermione tried to kick Ron for teasing Luna, and later defended her again from the insults of the portrait of Phineas Nigellus Black. Her nickname, "Loony", also references the moon and its ties with insanity, as it is short for "lunatic". When he failed to do so, Xenophilius was arrested by Selwyn and Travers. Luna Lovegood Quotes (31 quotes) - Goodreads Wit beyond measure is mans greatest treasure, said Luna in a sing-song voice. Luna had met other members of Dumbledore's Army; there were Padma Patil, Cho Chang, Terry Boot, Anthony Goldstein, Michael Corner, and Marietta Edgecombe from her house (all of them fought at the Battle of Hogwarts, except Marietta), Hannah Abbott, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Susan Bones, and Zacharias Smith from Hufflepuff (it is possible that all of them fought at the Battle of Hogwarts, except Zacharias), and Fred and George Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell, Lavender Brown, Alicia Spinnet, Lee Jordan, Parvati Patil, Padma's twin sister and Colin and Dennis Creevey from Gryffindor. 'It was like having friends.' He and Ginny even gave their daughter the middle name "Luna" in honour of her. Theyve always pulled the carriages. They float in through your ears and make your brain go fuzzy, she said. They went back to the camp and met Hagrid again, and the student showed Hagrid what Luna had given them, but Luna asked them to talk about it another time. January 29th, 2020. They took my Luna and I don't know where she is, what they've done to her. Luna also believed in things that were proven true: Harry's story about Voldemort's return, the voices beyond the veil and the belief that there were people behind it, and that Hufflepuff Chaser Zacharias Smith was suffering from Loser's Lurgy. Luna Lovegood Character Analysis in Harry Potter and the - LitCharts Despite her warnings that the Thunderbird was defending her nest, the student attempted to put the egg back in it, which angered the Thunderbird. 13 February 1981)[1] was a witch and the only child and daughter of Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood. She then mounted her Thestral side-saddle, "as though she did this every day". would not continue that year. "I mean, who has anyone you known ever died? The student felt sorry for not being able to do more, but Luna encouraged them to do what they could to heal her. members to participate in the ensuing Battle of the Astronomy Tower, along with Neville, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione. Harry Potter: 10 Luna Lovegood Quotes That'll Make Anyone - ScreenRant Everything she says sounds like part of a lucid dream. In 1995, fourteen-year-old Luna had waist-length, straggly, dirty blonde hair,[9] protuberant silvery eyes,[10] which often seemed to be dreamily distracted, and faint eyebrows. She dresses unusually, she proclaims her strange beliefs openly, and in some ways she seems to be completely out of touch with what's going on around her. Luna and the others slipped back into the battle. The Death Eaters manage to retrieve Tom Riddle's diary from a safe in the Ministry, but this is taken from them by Ron, who rescues Luna and Neville.The three join Hermione outside the Room of . . Harry asked her and Hermione to watch Snape's office, which they did, but Snape told them that Death Eaters were in the castle and that they had to look after Professor Flitwick, whom he claimed had collapsed. Luna was an extremely quirky girl, with a serene disposition and many eccentric beliefs and qualities. Upon landing, she quickly taught the unidentified student a few things about how to make friends with magical creatures, such as drawing their attention with berries and waiting for them to accept the human's presence. Members, (with the exception of Marietta) are unknown following the Battle of Hogwarts. After McGonagall introduced her to the students, she explained that they would visit some interesting locations to study magical creatures, so long as they met the age requirement and passed the Ministry's preliminary exam, which she and Archibald guaranteed would be fun and involve demonstration of knowledge and self-protection. After the student managed to temporarily restrain the Manticore using the Incarcerous Spell, Luna grabbed them and Apparated back to the edge of the forest where they were greeted by Hagrid. She was a complete nonconformist; she lacked self-consciousness and was not afraid to show who she truly was. Luna, like Harry and Neville, had the ability to see Thestrals, as they had all seen someone die. They were just lurking out of sight, thats all, you heard them. (OP38), Oh no, said Luna. Here are 10 facts about the Hogwarts student. Luna was the last person in the books known to commentate a, It was rumoured that Severus Snape was Luna's father and that Luna and Neville Longbottom were going to end up together at the end of, Evanna recently portrayed Luna again for one of, A variant of Luna is available in the "Downloadable Character Pack", In Part 2 of the final film, Luna is not seen duelling, IGN listed Luna Lovegood as their 12th top. This dress was voted 'Most Hideous Outfit of the Year' by readers of Rita Skeeter's regular Daily Prophet column. However, after Ron heard this commentary, which he found highly amusing, he said "you know, Luna's grown on me," when previously he found her very strange and slightly off-putting.

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