Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The Boston Tea Party, Whisky Rebellion, and California's Proposition 13 were all popular rebellions that were related to _____., Eliminating tax increases may result in _____., Democracy in the United States derives its powers from _____. 21 1), and by 5 p.m. on final day (A.R.S. 3, 17(1)). St. 32-1408. Tit. Petition title and summary creation: Original filing includes a summary written by sponsors; approved by attorney general (ORC 3519.01(B)). III, 3). Art. 2, 8). ai thinker esp32 cam datasheet Application process information: Application is filed on a form provided by the secretary of state and must contain the sponsor's name, or if an organization, the names and titles of its officers; address; intent to circulate and file a petition; a description of not more than 200 words of the principal provisions of the measure and the full text, in no less than 8-point font; and application for an official serial number. a. . Number of signatures required: For constitutional amendments, 10 % of the votes cast for governor in the last election. 250.015; 250.052; 250.045). Number of signatures required: 10% of the total vote for governor cast in the last election (Const. Recall is the ability as a citizen to petition for a re-vote of an elected official who is believed to be ineffective. If a second sampling is needed, an estimated duplication rate will be calculated. Who creates petitions: Secretary of state approves the format and printers proof (C.R.S.A. The chief petitioners must notify the secretary of state that at least one person will be paid, and it will say this on the petitions. 2, 9). 250.125; 250.067; 250.127, Utah: U.C.A. d. laws enacted by state legislatures. 19, 2; N.R.S. Timeline for collecting signatures: For direct constitutional amendments, nine months and three weeks. For indirect statute petitions, the legislature has 40 session days to pass or reject the unchanged or unamended measure. Art. Collected in-person: Yes, In-person (21-A MRS 902). Art. For constitutional amendments, 15% of legal voters. 116.130). General review of petition: Proponents may alter the measure in small ways after legislature reviews it. Const. Verification: The election commissioner or county clerk compares each signer's information to that of voter registration records to verify that they were registered voters when they signed and verify all other information (Neb. 1, Part 2). What was the purpose of implementing referendum recall and initiative quizlet? The maximum number of signatures counted from any individual congressional district is one-fifth of the total number required. Cannot have had a civil or criminal penalty for a violation of election code in the last five years; been convicted of treason or a felony and not restored civil rights; been convicted of any criminal offense involving fraud, forgery or identity theft. 5, 1). Disclosure reports must be filed 60 days before the election, on the 5th and 20th day of each month until the election, the 20th day of November after the election, and the 20th of January each year. Colo. Const. Const. Subject restrictions: Cannot be used on urgency statutes, statutes calling elections or statutes providing for tax levies or appropriations for current expenses of the state (Const. Where to file: State Board of Election Commissioners (Const. Which election is a measure on: The next statewide election unless the legislature or governor convenes a special election for it or the governor designates a vote at the primary election (OK Const. Rev. C.R.S.A. Const. Const. Lieutenant governor forwards petitions that are qualified for the ballot to the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel, which drafts an impartial title of not more than 100 words summarizing the contents of the proposal. * See also: 2011 N.D. Op.Atty.Gen. Art. Allowed to pay another for their signature: Prohibited (ORS 260.558). Art. 19, 3; N.R.S. Californians adopted the initiative process on October 10, 1911, becoming the tenth state to adopt this form of direct democracy. 2, 1), Ballot title and summary: Attorney general (RCWA 29A.72.050), Time period restrictions before placed on the ballot: No additional statute. 1953 20A-7-211). Withdrawal process of individual signature: Yes, before May 15, signer submits request to county clerk (U.C.A. 11 1 and 5). Art. These provisions stipulate that petition signatures must be gathered from multiple parts of the state. MT CONST Art. Three or more registrars must certify the petitions and follow other rules as per administrative regulations 950 CMR 55 (M.G.L.A. 3; Const. IV, 1(4)). Verification: The qualified voter file shall be used to determine the validity of petition signatures by verifying the registration of signers and the genuineness of signatures on petitions when the qualified voter file contains digitized signatures. 14, 9; MCA 13-27-503; 13-27-504). Number of signatures required: 5% of the number of votes cast for all candidates for governor in the last general election (Const. Art. One of three authorized people must submit a notice of withdrawal with the secretary of state. If passed by legislature, it is subject to the referendum (M.C.L.A. Petitions must be submitted by midnight within 90 days of the date the legislation was signed by the governor and filed with the secretary of state. referendum: [noun] the principle or practice of submitting to popular vote a measure passed on or proposed by a legislative body or by popular initiative. 3, 18), Ballot title and summary: Secretary of state and attorney general (21-A M.R.S.A. 48, Init., Pt. XVII, 1; Art. A statement of organization is required. Art. Ballot title and summary: The secretary of state and the attorney general also jointly make a more descriptive ballot question summary to be sent to voters. No amendment may change more than one section, no appropriations, and no local or special laws. Art. Art. Types Allowed: Indirect initiative for statutes, and popular referendum. 5, 2; M.G.L.A. Const. M.C.L.A. General review of petition: None other found. 3, 18, 20). For constitutional amendment direct initiatives, the date is Sept. 1 of the year preceding the election year (N.R.S. Const. Legislature or other government official review: Reviews done by attorney general and legislative services division. One year, but proponents must submit to the county officials no sooner than nine months and no later than four weeks prior to the final deadline. II, 1c and 1g; ORC 3519.16(F). See also 21-A MRS 904-A, the repealed provision that prohibited payment per signature. 3, 52(f)). Art. 19, 1). Art. Code 9010 et. 21 1). 3, 4). $100; refunded if application is properly filed, Const. In calendar quarters with an election, additional reports are due 10 days before the election and 15 days after the election (ARS 16-926 and -927). Paid circulators must, prior to circulating petitions, sign a statement certifying they acknowledge that it is a misdemeanor to allow signatures on a petition to be used for any purpose other than qualifying a measure for the ballot (Elec. 14, 3, 10 ILCS 5/28-2, Massachusetts: M.G.L.A. 168.476). Number of signatures required: For statutory, 5 % of total vote for governor in the last election in each of two-thirds of the state's congressional districts. Withdrawal process of individual signature: Can file a request with the county clerk any time before the petition is filed (NRS 295.055). Details on who or which offices write the title and summary are listed below: Cal.Const. Geographic distribution: 3% of total votes cast for the office of governor from at least 15 counties (Const. The requirements for an election with statewide ballot measures vary greatly by state. The increase in any such appropriation for maintaining or aiding any public institution shall only take effect as in the case of other laws, and such increase or any part thereof specified in the petition, may be referred to a vote of the people upon petition (Const. 34-1813). A simple statement of the gist of the proposition is printed at the top of each signature page (34 OS 3). 1953 20A-7-202; 20A-7-205.5). Circulator requirements: Must be 18 years old and an Ohio resident (O.R.C. Art. Const. Art. In odd-numbered years, year-end reports are required. Ballot title and summary: Ballot language is drafted by the Ohio Ballot Board (Const. Reports of expenditures and contributions received are required quarterly in nonelection years and monthly, March through November, in election years. Number of signatures required: 10% of the voters who voted in the preceding general election (Const. Art. 13, 1). Art. These serve as the petition title (MCA 13-27-312). 5 , 1; A.C.A. Information on states that restrict payment to circulators are below. 2, 10), Majority to pass: Yes (Cal.Const. IV, 1(3)). This was held to be constitutional. Montana: Reviews done by attorney general and legislative services division. V, 1(6) and C.R.S. V, 3; 34 Okl.St.Ann. If any pair do not match, the rest of the signatures on that page must be verified via this comparison (MCA 13-27-303; 13-27-304). Const. Political recall efforts in Virginia result in a circuit court trial instead of an. 48). Art. XLVII, Pt. Who can sign the petition: Qualified electors (NDCC 16.1-01-09(2)). Circulator requirements: Montana resident (MCA 13-27-102). Where to file: secretary of state (Const. 295.009). Const. Withdrawal process of individual signature: Secretary of state verifies the signatures for total number and from two-thirds of the counties (W.S.1977 22-24-316). Circulator requirements: Must be 18 or older, registered with the secretary of state, and cannot have been convicted or pled guilty to forgery crimes (V.A.M.S. Sponsors of advertising must file a report within 24 hours of the time the advertisement is published, mailed or otherwise revealed to the public if the advertisement qualifies as an independent expenditure or has a fair market value or actual cost of $1,000 or more. Sponsor or group who receives contributions or spends over $500 for the passage or defeat of the referendum must file a statement of organization as a ballot question committee. II, 1(d)). Proponent financial disclosure requirements: Reports of expenditures and contributions received are required quarterly in non-election years and monthly, March through November, in election years. If a congressional district has 110 % of the needed valid signatures, the petition qualifies in that district. Const. Repeal or change restrictions: Cannot veto, and legislature may not repeal. V.A.M.S. 2, 8), Maine (M.R.S.A. Verification: Counts total number and then takes 5 % random sample to verify signature accuracy (A.R.S. 14, 11). 1953 20A-1-201; 20A-1-203; 20A-7-206). Ballot title and summary: Proponents submit descriptive ballot title that is reviewed by attorney general (34 Okl.St.Ann. Submission deadline for signatures: Must be filed within 90 days of when the applicable legislative session adjourns sine die (AZ Const. They represent direct check on democracy as people can exercise their powers to accept or reject a piece of legislation. Cannot have been found guilty of a criminal felony or a violation of election laws, fraud, forgery or identification theft, Cannot have been convicted of or pled guilty to crimes involving forgery. Four states require measures to pass with a majority of voters, but the measures must also have been voted upon by a certain percentage of the total number of voters who voted in that election. Const. Collected in-person: Yes (O.R.C. Vote requirement for passage: Majority, but no such law shall be held to be disapproved if the negative vote is less than thirty per cent of the total number of ballots cast at such state election (Const. Constitution 48, Pt. 54, 53, Drafted by sponsors and approved by board of state canvassers. 5, 1). 3, 18 and 21-A M.R.S.A. which lies the initiative and referendum-the power of the people to make laws. 4, 3; Constitution 48, Init., Pt. The secretary of state employs a representative random sampling using questionnaires, postcards, telephone calls, personal interviews, etc, or any combinations thereof, to determine the validity of the signatures (NDCC, 16.1-01-10). Collected in-person: Yes (Neb. Art. Art. General review of petition: Within 20 days after initial petition filing, attorney general reviews and recommends revisions in an advisory capacity. 3, 6). Otherwise the secretary of state in consultation with the attorney general writes a concise summary (NDCC 16.1-06-09). Art. May include a fee (RCWA 29A.72.010; 43.07.120; 29A.72.020; 29A.72.040). Art. Where to file: Secretary of state (Const. Withdrawal process of individual signature: Any signer may withdraw their signature by giving their name, address and contact information to the secretary of state before the petition is filed (Wyo. 1953 20A-7-207; 20A-7-209; 20A-6-107. Art. ), Const. Stat. If 20 % or more of signatures on any part are invalid, then the burden to prove the rest are valid falls on the sponsors (Ark. Art. Art. Proponents must file reports of payments made to signature gatherers. Taken together, they are called the politics of direct action. 48, Gen. 21 1). Proponent financial disclosure requirements: In order to receive contributions or make expenditures in excess of $1,500 in a calendar year, must form a committee for political action and register with the secretary of state (NRS 294A.230). 21). Sponsors draft summary and submit to board of state canvassers for approval. Proponent financial disclosure requirements: Include but may not be limited to that proponent or opponent groups for a ballot proposition are considered political issue committees unless they meet certain criteria such as not expending more than $5,000, and political issue committees register and report financially (U.C.A. From each of at least 26 Utah State Senate districts, legal signatures equal to 5 % for indirect or 10 % for direct initiatives of the total of all votes cast in that district for all candidates for U.S. president at the last general election (U.C.A. Subject restrictions: Laws immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or for the support and maintenance of the departments of the state government and state institutions are not subject to the referendum (Const. Art. For direct initiatives, 8% of the number of active voters in the state on Jan. 1 immediately following the last regular general election. Art. Fiscal review: Yes (W.S.1977 22-24-309). Law 6-203(b)). III, 4). What is on each petition: Must be in substantially the same form as initiative petitions, containing a title, a warning and the full text of the act (IC 34-1801A). In order to suspend effectiveness of the act pending a vote, signature requirement is 10% (Const. Allowed to pay another for their signature: Prohibited (NDCC, 16.1-01-12). Art. Circulator requirements: 18 years of age and a US citizen; nonresidents may be circulators but must check a box on the petition disclosing this (MCL 168.544c). 3, 17(2)). II, 1b; O.R.C. Art. Amending or diverting funds from a referendum measure requires a three-fourths vote of the members of each house of the legislature, and the amendment must further the purposes of the measure (Const. M.G.L.A. 2, 3), Fiscal review: A statement of 100 words or less by secretary of administration and finance regarding fiscal consequences of the measure (M.G.L.A. 1-40-104, 1-40-105, 1-40-111, 1-40-135). Art. Circulator oaths or affidavit required: Yes (Elec. Allowed to pay another for their signature: Prohibited (SDCL 12-26-15). Other subject restrictions: The initiative power extends only to laws which the legislature may enact (M.C.L.A. 48, Init., Pt. initiative referendum and recall are examples of quizlet. In some states, the question is worded such that a yes vote is in favor of the law subject to referendum, while in others, a yes vote is in favor of repealing the law that is the subject of the referendum. Reports are due 30 days before the election, one week before the election, 105 days after a special election and Feb. 15 for all contributions and expenditures not already reported (AS 15.13.110). Application process information: Sponsors must submit the measure and a summary of it with a petition signed by 1,000 qualified electors to the secretary of state, and within one day, to the attorney general (ORC 3519.01(B)). (Elec. Art. Persons involved in a statewide initiative or referendum process are subject to the provisions of the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act. To place a popular referendum on the ballot, sponsors must gather signatures on petitions. The secretary of state is prohibited by law from accepting for filing any referendum petition which interferes with the legislative prerogative contained in the Constitution of Nebraska that the necessary revenue of the state and its governmental subdivisions shall be raised by taxation in the manner as the legislature may direct. 23-17-57), Number of signatures required: Twelve % of the total votes cast in the last gubernatorial race for governor (MS Const. Art. 1-40-116). California is one of two dozen states that gives voters these checks on elected officials. 6. a. to make a difference b. to lead by example c. to give hope d. pleasant They are not synonyms of the other words in each group. Collected in-person: Yes (U.C.A. 48, Init., Pt. Repeal or change restrictions: Legislature may propose alternative measure or initiate the standard process for amending the constitution (MS Const. In some states, the legislature or governor may order a special election for a measure. *While the Colorado residency requirement for circulators was struck down in Independence Institute v. Gessler, the court upheld the requirement that a circulator present to the notary a specific type of identification. Many cities and about one fourth of the states have incorporated it into their charters or constitutions. The second sampling must use a greater number of signatures than the first. 7-9-114). The veto power may be exercised only against entire bills, and it may not be exercised upon sections of bills except in the case of appropriation bills (1963 Alas. Const. 295.015; 293.250). . 19, 2), Who can sign the petition: Registered voters (N.R.S. Twenty-four states have citizen initiative processes. Subject restrictions: Laws passed by a two-thirds vote of the members of each house are not subject to referendum (Const. Does the law in question take effect before the referendum vote: Any measure referred to the people by referendum petition shall remain in abeyance until such vote is taken; the filing of a referendum petition against one or more items, sections or parts of any act shall not delay the remainder from becoming operative. Art. Timeline for taking effect: On and after the 30th day after it the initiative was approved by voters unless otherwise specified (RCWA Const. 130.110; 130.120; 130.029; 130.046; 130.041, Nevada: N.R.S. Voters can propose and vote for new laws. 48, Pt. 5, 1; C.R.S.A. Timeline for collecting signatures: None except when collecting the second 3 % of signatures of votes in last election for governor, the deadline is 90 days (OH Const. Either way, the measure is put before the people (MS Const. Rev. Art. 3, 17(1)). A.R.S. 3, 52(c)(i)). In 1911, California voters approved the constitutional processes of initiative, referendum, and recall. III, 1). Rev. Verification: Each countys supervisor of elections will take a sample or verify every signature. Which election: General election, unless the legislature orders a special election (Const. Art. Six states prohibit sponsors from paying circulators on a per-signature basis. 19-111), Where to file with: Secretary of states office (A.R.S. Proponents write title. Art. In Nevada, a constitutional amendment needs only a majority but must be approved in two consecutive elections (N.R.S. Const. II, 1(d)). 14, 3 and see Coalition for Political Honesty v. State Board of Elections (1976)). 19, 2; American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada v. Loma (2006); N.R.S. Application process information: Text and proposed ballot statements are submitted to secretary of state. Arguments for and against are prepared by committees with members appointed first by the secretary of state, the senate's presiding office, and the house's presiding officer. III, 4). Where to file: Secretary of the commonwealth (Const. Initiativ e, Referendum and Recall Information The following is also provided in Spanish Lo siguiente tambin puede leerse en espaol. 3, 19). 295.0575), Circulator oaths or affidavits: Yes (N.R.S. 19-123 and A.R.S. Cure period for insufficient signatures: There is a 15-day cure period after a statement of insufficiency is issued by the secretary of state, and proponents may deliver additional signatures during this time (CRS 1-40-117). 19-121.01). 2. stimulate democratic reforms such as the initiative and the referendum. Const. 14, 3), Majority to pass: Three-fifths of those voting on the amendment itself or a majority of those voting in the election (ILCS Const. Tit. Massachusetts (M.G.L.A. 3, 52(g) and Wyo. Full text of the measure must be attached (A.C.A. Const. 3, 52(e) and Wyo. Who can sign the petition: Qualified electors (A.R.S. Art. Art. Stat. Art. Proponent organization and requirements: The cover of an initiative or referendum petition shall designate the name and residence address of not more than three persons as chief petitioners (ORS 250.045(6)). Petition title and summary creation: Attorney general drafts ballot titles and certifies statements (O.R.S. 5, 2; Constitution 48, Init., Pt. 3, 17). S. So as a whole, the free-response section accounts for half your total AP Gov score (the other 50% comes from the multiple-choice section). 5, 11; Art. 12, 2), Mississippi (MS Const. 48, Pt. Public review or notice: Able to attend meeting on petition application review, title board meetings, ballot information booklet prepared by legislative council (C.R.S.A. All three have in common the fact that, at some point or other, the . Which election is a measure on: General election unless the legislature orders a special election (MT CONST Art. 4, 1, Pt. See ACA 7-9-126. And arguments for and against are prepared by committees with members appointed first by the secretary of state, the senate's presiding office and the house's presiding officer (RCWA 29A.32.040; 29A.32.060). Some states limit the number of sections of code or the constitution that may be altered. Petitions are valid for one year, and deadline of 90 days before the first day of the legislative session. Const. St. 32-1407), Which election is a measure on: Next general election at least four months after filing the signatures (Neb. Art. Evaluations done by lieutenant governor and Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel. 11 906(6)(B)). 8). Vote requirement for passage: Majority (Const. Stat. Art. Withdrawal process of individual signature: A voter may have their signature removed by submitting a statement requesting such to the county clerk no later than the earlier of 14 days after the day the voter signs a statement requesting removal or 45 days after the clerk posts the voter's name under 20A-7-306(3)(c). 101.161). Cal.Elec.Code 9014; 9016; Cal.Const. 295.055). III, 5(1) and MCA 13-27-202). Prov., Pt. 19, 3; N.R.S. III, 2). Art. What is on each petition: Petition must include title of the act, and if only a portion of the act is sought to be referred, the number of the section or sections or portion of sections of the act designating such portion (Const. Geographic distribution: Signers must be from at least three-fourths of the states house districts, and signatures in each house district must equal at least 7% of those who voted in the preceding general election in the house district (AS 15.45.350(2)). Petitions are deemed invalid if signatures are gathered in violation (ORC 3501.381). Art. Proponent organization and requirements: If a committee or person, except the individual submitting the sample sheet, is funding any portion of the drafting or submitting of the sample sheet, the person submitting the sample sheet shall submit a copy of the filed statement of committee organization required under subsection 5 of section130.021 (Mo.Rev.Stat. Collected in-person: Yes (W.S.1977 22-24-312). Art. Circulator requirements: Must be Montana resident (MCA 13-27-102; 1-1-215), Circulator oaths or affidavits: Yes (MCA 13-27-302), Paid per signature: Cannot be paid based on the number of signatures collected but can be paid in general (MCA 13-27-102; 13-27-112). 3, 50 and V.A.M.S. c. representative democracy. Time period restrictions before placed on the ballot: If 60 days do not so intervene between submission of the petition and the date for holding the next state election, then such law shall be submitted to the people at the next following state election, unless in the meantime it shall have been repealed (Const. Lieutenant governor with assistance from attorney general, Secretary of state, approved by attorney general, Ark. Art. Mary is concerned with the education that her child is getting and wants the school day extended in her district. This is a device, used mostly in the United States at the state and local level, whereby voters may remove a public official from office before the expiration of his or her term. 1. 106.19), Allowed to pay another for their signature: No prohibition found, Number of signatures required: Eight pecent of total votes cast statewide in last presidential election (F.S.A. Art. 23-17-1), Proponent organization and requirements: Statement of organization if operating financially (Miss. Timeline for taking effect: Upon publication of the certificate by the secretary of state of the result of the vote (Const. Which election is a measure on: A referred measure may be voted upon at a statewide election or at a special election called by the governor (NDCC Const. Law 6-202). Administrative rules 5:02:08:09 and 5:02:08:07.02 require that circulators sign affidavit as well. 2, 3). From each of at least 26 Utah state Senate districts, legal signatures equal to 4% for indirect or 8% for direct initiatives of the number of active voters in that district on Jan. 1 immediately following the last regular general election. Use the data in the data file Gilotti's Pizzeria to find the variance and the standard deviation for Location 2, Location 3, and Location 4. Types allowed: Direct initiative for statutes and constitutional amendments and popular referendum, Single subject rule: Yes (V.A.M.S. Fiscal review: Office of Fiscal and Program Review prepares (1 M.R.S.A. Time period restrictions before placed on the ballot: To be voted on at the next regular or general election subsequent to 125 days after the supplementary petition is filed (OH Const. Where to file: Secretary of state (Const. Which election: At the next ensuing election held throughout the state for members of the U.S. House of Representatives (Const. Every state requires or offers some type of review in addition to fiscal statements. The legislature may submit a competing measure to the ballot (M.G.L.A. Petition title and summary creation: Secretary of state and approved by attorney general (V.A.M.S. II, 1g; O.R.C. St. 32-1408). Art. 23-17-7; 23-17-9; 23-17-15). 11 3). Art. Public review or notice: A pamphlet regarding the ballot questions is sent to voters' residential addresses and published in the Massachusetts register (M.G.L.A. 3599.03, Oklahoma: 34 Okl.St.Ann. 54 53). Here are the pros and cons of referendums to consider. 2, 8). Neb. e. laws enacted by the federal government., When Californians themselves originate and pass laws, the process they use is called the a. indirect . 4, 1, Pt. A person also qualifies as a ballot measure committee if 2% or more of its annual revenues, operating expenses or funds are used to make contributions to another ballot measure committee which exceed $10,000 in value. 2, 8; Cal.Elec.Code 9016. IV, pt. 6, 1), Repeat measures: Two years (U.C.A. Does the law in question take effect before the referendum vote: Not automatically, though the law can be suspended with a higher signature threshold and an earlier submission deadline25% of the total vote cast in the last election, including 25% of the votes cast in each of 3/4 of the counties, submitted no later than 90 days after the adjournment of the legislative session (Const.

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initiative referendum and recall are examples of quizlet