Otsego Regiments; 185th Infantry Astor Rifles; 29th Infantry On August 28, 1862, during the preliminary phases of the Second Battle of Bull Run, it stood up against attacks from a superior force under Maj. Gen Thomas J. The men of Company G, 55th North Carolina, from Johnston and Wayne Counties were known as the "North Carolina Rebels." The men of Company F, 56th North Carolina, from Guilford County, were known as the "Stonewall Boys." Company B, 34th North Carolina, from Rutherford County were known as the "Sandy Run Yellow Jackets." Affectionately called Old Jack by his men, Jackson had not always been the recipient of such a badge of honor. The uniform of the Iron brigade differed some what to the standard uniform of the Union army at the time. Red Bull. Irish Brigade; Cos. G, H and I, 105th Infantry Category Convertible. Constitution Guard; 40th Infantry The list of South Carolina Union Civil War units is shown separately. State Guard; 7th Infantry and 82d Infantry Bartlett's Naval Brigade; 99th Infantry McClellan Infantry; one company, 102d Infantry Andrew Johnson's Cavalry Onondaga County Regiment; 12th Infantry United States Volunteers; part 59th Infantry Flank Company, 108th Volunteers; 6th Company Sharpshooters Excelsior, or Sickles' Brigade, 3d Regiment; 72d Infantry President's Life Guard, Co. A; Co. A, 59th Infantry With roots as the Iron Brigade in the American Civil War, the division's ancestral units came to be referred to as the Iron Jaw Division. Washington County Regiment; 93d Infantry Empire Light Cavalry; 2d Veteran Cavalry United States or New York Cavalry, 7th Regiment; 2d Cavalry, Harris Light Another Confederate Johnson, Adam R. Stovepipe Johnson was known for deceptively making black stovepipes appear as cannon from a distance. Cherry Valley Regiment; 76th Infantry (3 companies) Von Beck Canal Rangers or Rifles; Cos. B and G, 102d Infantry The 6th Wisconsin and 7th Wisconsin fight together till the end of the war. I had always heard that Stonewall Jackson received his nickname because he and his troops offered up a tough defensive barrier, stonewalling the Union troops. Heavy Artillery, 1st Regiment; Co. B, 2d Artillery Westchester Light Infantry; part 178th Infantry Militia, 14th Regiment; 84th Infantry Battery) (part) Smith Battery, 4th Independent Battery The Michigan regiment lost 397 out of 496 soldiers, an 80% casualty rate. Naval Brigade; 1st Marine Artillery Onondaga County Regiment, 2d, Co. F; Co. K, 101st Infantry Artillery Company; 15th Militia What would it be called? The 6th Wisconsin (along with 100 men of the brigade guard) are remembered for their famous charge on an unfinished railroad cut north and west of the town, where they captured the flag of the 2nd Mississippi and took hundreds of Confederate prisoners. Tenth Legion; 56th Infantry German Heavy Artillery (Adam Senges); 3d Battalion, later part of 15th Artillery United States, War Department. Columbia County Regiment; 91st Infantry New York Battery; part of Baker's Rifles; 103d Infantry Independent Company Infantry, 17th; Co. Union Rangers; 25th Infantry Anthony Wayne Guard; 135th Infantry, later 6th Artillery I, 194th Infantry Washington Grays, 1st Regiment; 47th Infantry Union Rifles; part of 51st Infantry "Doughboy" A World War I Soldier. Contents 1 Infantry Units (PACS) 1.1 Infantry Brigades 1.2 Infantry Regiments 1.3 Infantry Battalions 2 Cavalry Units (PACS) 2.1 Cavalry Brigades 2.2 Cavalry Regiments Cortland County Regiments; 76th Infantry Morgan Light Artillery; 1st Artillery United States Rifles or Rangers; 58th Infantry United States Chasseurs; 65th Infantry The 2nd Wisconsin would leave the brigade once they mustered out in 1864, and the 24th Michigan would be transferred up north for guard duty. The Second and Seventh Wisconsin used the Lorenz Rifle. Part 2, The UnionNew England. Tenth National Guard; 177th Infantry Brig. Militia, 19th Regiment; 168th Infantry The 157th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, also known as the Iron Brigade, is based out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. United States Volunteer Cavalry, 1st Regiment; 11th Cavalry Grenadier Regiment, 1st; 65th Infantry Artisans and Engineers; 1st Engineers Wheeler's Battery; 13th Independent Artillery Colored Troops 37th Regiment Infantry U.S. Hawkins Zouaves, 1st; 9th Infantry Albany County Regiment; 113th Infantry later 7th Artillery Albany Regiments; 25th Militia New York Civil War Units: Nicknames and Synonyms (NYS Military Museum & Veterans Research Center)--- Specific Units:---- 5th N.Y. Volunteer Infantry Regiment "The Fighting Zouaves: A Port Jefferson Boy Joins the 'Zoo-Zoos,' the Best-Dressed Soldiers in the Civil War" (Long Island: Our Story). What was the nickname of the infantry unit that marched the furthest in the Civil War in one 24-hour period? Delaware Battery; 8th Battery Lost Children; Les Enfants Perdus --- Nicknames. Mohawk Rangers or Rifles; three cos. of 81st Infantry Rochester Regiments, Infantry; 105th Infantry Independent Company Infantry, 9th; Co. D, 194th Infantry Washington Grays; 8th Militia Of New York State Milita Units in 1861. The 19th Indiana would eventually be transferred to the 20th Indiana Infantry Regiment in October, 1864. Regiment Brannigan's Company K; 63d Infantry ROSTER OF OHIO SOLDIERS. Black Zouaves(uncompleted) Kossuth Guard or Rifles; part Co. Cemeteries Stanton Legion; 145th Infantry Baker's Brigade Battery; E. D. Baker's Brigade, Light Artillery, Company A, later 13th Battery All rights reserved. Weeks; Cos. B, C, D, E and F (new), 12th Infantry (Volunteers) Rifles; 28th Militia Colored Troops Inc. Lee's Summit MO. These Hoosiers usually got low marks at inspection but were formidable fighters in the Iron Brigade. Tenth Legion Artillery; 1st and 2d Cos. Light Artillery, 56th Infantry, later 7th Battery, and 8th Battery Sailors See a list of 18,000 African American sailors that served in the Civil War. Ontario County Regiment; 33d Infantry National Zouaves; 5th Infantry Empire, or Spinola's Brigade, 2d Regiment; 132d Infantry Boonville Regiment; 97th Infantry Cayuga County Regiment, 1st; 19th Infantry, later 3d Artillery Utica Citizen Corps; Co. A, 14th Infantry Madison and Cortland Regiment; 157th Infantry Raines' Artillery; part 15th Artillery German Artillery Corps; 1st Battalion Artillery WilHamsburgh Volunteers; Co. A, 3d Infantry Lewis County Battalion; 3d Battalion Artillery This is a list of American Civil War units, consisting of those established as federally organized units as well as units raised by individual states and territories. Sharpshooters, Milton P. Pierce's Company; part 8th Co., Battalion Sharpshooters The initial focus of the CWSS is the Names Index Project, a project to enter names and other basic information from 6.3 million soldier records in the . Morris' (Richard H.) Battery; retained men 9th Infantry, later part of 3d Infantry Northern Black Horse Cavalry; 7th Cavalry Chrysler's (M. H.) Independent Company of Infantry; 30th Infantry I, 8th Militia Colored Troops 36th Regiment Infantry U.S. Make Ford. Hamilton Light Artillery; Co. L (old), 2d Artillery, later 34th Battery Latson's (John W.) Light Artillery, Cos. B, A and I, 2d Artillery "Military Affairs in New York". As July of 1863 approached, Ulysses S. Grant was about to take Vicksburg, cutting the Confederacy in two and making the Mississippi a Union river again. Waterloo Wright Guards; Co. C, 33d Infantry Les Enfants Perdus; Independent Corps, Light Infantry The blank space is already there in the regiments.dat file. Independent Battery B, or 2d; 3d Battery "Dogface" A World War II and Korean War Soldier. The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System is a computerized database containing very basic facts about servicemen who served on both sides during the Civil War. Empire Zouaves; part of 51st Infantry Waiting behind a stone fence, Wyman White, one of the U.S. sharpshooters later recalled: "They came yelling and firing and struggling . Richard S. Ewells hairless pate caused him to be Old Bald Head, and reading spectacles combined with a strict temperament prompted the men of Union general Andrew A. Humphreys to call him Old Goggle Eyes.. Corcoran's Brigade or Irish Legion Original 6th Regiment; all, except Company D in 182d Infantry; Company D as Company H in 155th Infantry Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Cavalry Battalion; part of 14th Cavalry Washington, D.C.: Adjutant General's Office, 1861. Columbia County Regiment, 2d; 159th Infantry Enfants Perdus;Independent Battalion of Infantry Corcoran's Brigade or Irish Legion 4th Regiment; the original 2d Regiment; designated the 170th Infantry Some received their monikers out of respect and admiration, while others were labeled out of contempt or ridicule. Potsdam Regiment; 92d Infantry Serrell's Engineers, 1st Engineers Anthon's Battalion, Light Artillery, 20th Battery When this monument is completed and the CWSS is in place, it is anticipated that there will be an increase in requests for the records of the USCT. Albany Regiments; 91st Infantry Marine Artillery; 1st Regiment Washington Continentals; Co. B, 10th Militia, and Co. B, 177th Infantry If you havent already, check out the first post in the seriesHis Accidency. Sharpshooters, 6th, 7th, Sth and gth Companies ; 1st Independent Battalion Sharpshooters Washington Light Cavalry, Cos. A and B; Cos. L and M, 16th Cavalry The Civil War Unit Study and Lap Book. "On the Union side, continental European firearms were mostly distributed to the Western armies--as such, the Lorenz Rifle was relatively uncommon in the Army of the Potomac (although two regiments of the famous Iron Brigade carried them) but heavily used by the Army of the Cumberland and Army of Tennessee. This list of names will be available at the African American Civil War Memorial in Washington, D.C., as well as at NPS battlefield sites. I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. Cavalry, 2d Cavalry, Harris Light; 7th Regiment, United States or New York State Cavalry Battery A, New York Volunteer Artillery; 2d Battery Scandinavian Volunteers; Co. Ellsworth's Grays; 21st Militia Van Alen Cavalry; 3d Cavalry Corcoran's Brigade or Irish Legion Original 8th Regiment; not organized, but all enlisted men in 164th Infantry Wickham's Company of Infantry; part 142d Infantry List of American Civil War units by state, List of Union Civil War monuments and memorials, List of memorials to the Grand Army of the Republic, Confederate artworks in the United States Capitol, List of Confederate monuments and memorials, Removal of Confederate monuments and memorials. Seward Infantry; 19th Infantry It was thought that General McClellan resembles Napoleon Bonaparte, not only in physical appearance, but in his inflated sense of self-worth and importance. Scott Rifles; part 51st Infantry Although this Iron Brigade of the East served in the same infantry division as the Iron Brigade of the West, press attention focused primarily on the latter. Manhattan Rifles; Co. G (old), 43d Infantry This article is about the Civil War brigade. McClellan Cavalry; 20th Cavalry Rochester Cavalry Regiment; 22d Cavalry Morgan State Zouaves; Co. F, 10th Infantry Havelock Battery; 11th Battery [5] The rest of the Iron Brigade would be counterattacked in the early afternoon of July 1st, The Brigade would initially hold their ground against the rebel counterattack. Independent Engineers; 50th Engineers Washington Guards; 120th Infantry Infantry[ edit] New York Monument at Gettysburg 34th NY Infantry Monument at Antietam 42nd NY Infantry Monument at Gettysburg 59th NY Infantry Monument at Gettysburg 64th NY Infantry Monument at Gettysburg 68th NY Infantry Monument at Gettysburg Plaque for 83rd NY Volunteers Recent scholarship[7] identifies two other brigades referred to by their members or others as "The Iron Brigade": Schwarze Yaeger; 54th Infantry Sickles' Cavalry; 25th Cavalry Federal Guard; 178th Infantry (part) Infantry: Gibraltar Brigade - having Samuel Carroll lead these steadfast Buckeyes is really satisfying Excelsior Brigade Irish Brigade Lincoln Divers; 99th Infantry O.) By Hardcase726, April 16, 2017 in General Discussions. New York City Artillery, 1st; 12th Artillery, later part of 15th Artillery Pennsylvania Volunteers Cavalry Regiment, W. H. Boyd's Co.; Co. C, 1st Cavalry Albany Republican Artillery; Company A, 25th Militia Saratoga Regiment; 77th Infantry New York Battalion Bell Jefferson, or Bell Rifles; 94th Infantry Black Horse Cavalry; 7th Cavalry Buffalo Regiment, 1st; 21st Infantry Sprague Light Cavalry; 16th Cavalry Irish Brigade, Meagher's, 2d Regiment; 88th Infantry Polish Legion; part of 58th Infantry Ira Harris Guard, 1st; 5th Cavalry Halleck Guard, Co. A; Co. A, 119th Infantry United States Light Artillery, Gov. This particular composition of men, from the three Western states, led it to be sometimes referred to as the "Iron Brigade of the West". Blair Rifles; consolidated with 178th Infantry German Artillery Company; Hamilton Artillery(34th Ind. In June 1865, the units of the surviving brigade were separated and reassigned to the Army of the Tennessee. The Iron Brigade, proportionately, suffered the most casualties of any brigade in the Civil War. "Jo" Shelby, in the Army of Arkansas and fought in Maj. Gen. Sterling Price's Missouri Expedition, in 1864. Where all the above mentioned nicknames were given in a loving manner, or out of fear, Young Napoleon was not. Where the brigade would be heavily engaged in the Cornfield. Oneida County Regiment, 3d; 97th Infantry United States Volunteers; part 57th Infantry Dickinson Guard; 89th Infantry Onondagas; 122d Infantry German Rifles, 1st Regiment; 8th Infantry Independent Volunteers; 50th Engineers Governor's Guard; 66th Infantry Black River Artillery, 1st Battalion; 4th Battalion Artillery This nickname originated when he sent word to Confederate GeneralSimon Bolivar Buckner thatno terms except an unconditional and immediate surrender can be accepted. Corcoran's Brigade or Irish Legion Original 1st Regiment; 69th National Guard Artillery and 182d Infantry Richmond Guards; Co. G, 33d Infantry Advanced Zoos; 62d Infantry United States Volunteer Cavalry, 1st Regiment; 1st Cavalry Little Mac McClellan and Philip Little Phil Sheridan were named for their small statue, while Confederate Nathan G. Shanks Evans was recognized by his skinny, knock-kneed legs. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U.S. Confederate States presidential election of 1861, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_American_Civil_War_units_by_state&oldid=1132297728, Lists of military units and formations of the American Civil War, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 8 January 2023, at 05:59. Fisher's Cavalry; 14th Cavalry (part) Orange and Sullivan Regiment; 56th Infantry Your email address will not be published. Union artillery batteries were generally named numerically; Confederate batteries by the name of the town or county in which they were recruited (e.g. There are a few stories related to the origin, but the men immediately adopted the name, which was quickly used in print after South Mountain. Washington Continentals; Co. D, 168th Infantry Frederick Phisterer. Oswego County Regiment, 4th; 147th Infantry Corcoran's Brigade or Irish Legion Original 4th Regiment; later the 5th; Companies A, B and C, 175th Infantry Union Sharpshooters; part of 17th Veteran Infantry ", This page was last edited on 7 February 2023, at 02:17. Honved Regiment; part of 52d Infantry All other equipment not mentioned included standard field equipment of the Union army consisting of canteens, belts, cartridge box, bayonet and scabbard, haversack and other various items of kit. Zouaves, 2d; a transient organization, men joined 40th Infantry, Rosters Of The New York Volunteers During The Civil War, 61 Lake Avenue, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 The last surviving member of the Iron Brigade, Josiah E. Cass of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, died on 2 December 1947 of a fractured hip suffered in a fall. I, 169th Infantry The 32nd Infantry Division was an infantry division of the United States Army National Guard that fought primarily during World War I and World War II. Sharpshooters, Benjamin C. Butler's Battalion ; Cos. A, B, C and D, 93d Infantry Parmenter Riflemen; Howitzer Co. Monroe Blues; 12th Militia Otsego Regiments; 121st Infantry Merchant's Brigade, 3d Regiment; part 178th Infantry Empire Battery; Battery A, 1st Artillery New York Excelsior Rifle Legion; 92d Infantry it may be bestowed by the enemy in battle, such as the moniker "Red Devils", a nickname for the 5th Infantry Division "granted" by the Germans at the Battle of Saint-Mihiel, World War I; it may be the pairing of an adjective (such as "Fighting") paired with the division's ordinal, such as "The Fighting First" for the 1st Infantry Division; or Additionally, digging up brigade or unit names is a bit of work, so we might help each other learn a little more Civil War history while we decide what to name our brigades. Gen. Edward S. Bragg (6th Wisconsin): June 7, 1864 February 10, 1865 As the prospect of War grew in late 1860 and early 1861 on February 28, 1861 Provisional Confederate Congress made provisional volunteer army and granted military control to the newly chosen Confederate president and "commander in chief" Jefferson Davies. Independent Company of Infantry, 49th; Co. G, 194th Infantry Connecticut Cavalry, Companies A and B; 1st Squadron Seventy-Fifth Rifles; 37th Infantry British Volunteers, organization of July, 1861; Company C of the McClellan Rifles (90th Infantry) At times, nicknames were reflective of the individuals profession before the Civil War. Oswego County Regiment; 24th Infantry Yates' Rifles; part 51st Infantry New York State Rifles; 18th Infantry American Rifles; 71st Militia Wayne County Regiments; part of 98th Infantry The brigade would fight in the bloody Overland campaign of 1864, and would take part in the siege of Petersburg for the rest of the war.

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civil war unit nicknames