Because your aura is so inviting people love being in your company. You have a way with words that conveys your intelligence. Mars is about action and Capricorn is about performing actions in society (the outside world). Your Soul is here to balance out the karmic scale by repaying past life karma debts, learn lessons, and fulling desires. Your intuition is strong, and you can often feel the energy of an environment. Dashami is a mix of two words: Dasham and Amsa. Therefore, you want people to live up to your high standards and expectations. You have a very beautiful face that gets lots of attention. To determine career and profession there are many ways in Vedic astrology and one of them I have mentioned below. Since Chitra Nakshatra is partially in the Virgo range, and Virgo relates to perfecting and polishing ideas and forms: this means that you can polish any type of rough or unedited form to perfection. The planet with the highest degree is automatically calculated in your personalized Vedic astrology birth chart report. Atmakaraka Moon in 11th House means your mind is focused on your social network, society, friends, and elder siblings. Your Atmakaraka reveals your purpose in life and what you are here to learn and experience. This is because Indra (King of the God) is the ruling deity of Jyeshta Nakshatra. You are very nurturing, caring, and have natural maternal instincts, you love taking care of things especially the people in your life. Atmakaraka Venus means you are creative, artistic, poetic, social, and passionate. Atmakaraka Mars means the nature of your soul is aggressive, assertive, driven, motivated, courageous, athletic, and technical. Atmakaraka in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra means you have a sharp mind and can pierce through information like a blade. As the moon becomes amatyakaraka, it decides what the profession will be. It is your purpose in life to deal with the mundane world but from an intellectual perspective. Politics will also interest the natives and thats why we have classic examples like Rajiv Gandhi and Indira Gandhi. Saturn is the planet that signifies jobs related to repetition, hard work, and service to society since its the planet of justice and karma. In addition, you have a very technical mind and enjoy understanding how the mechanics of things work. This is because the moon is exalted in the second house which is the original House of Taurus; so, your resources can be increased. there could have been many parties in social gatherings in your childhood home. You have profound leadership abilities and can manage people effectively. 7 Planets compete for becoming different Chara Karaka excluding Rahu & Ketu: 1) Atma Karaka (AK) 2) Amatya Karaka (AmK) 3 . Therefore, with Mars in the 10th house, you take any action that is needed when it comes to advancing your career. However, Rahu and Ketu are excluded from the 7 chara karakas. Amatyakaraka Sun was in 10th home with 10th Lord Venus. You cant sit still for a long period because you must be constantly moving or taking some type of action. How do you get to know when it will be the peak point of your career? You have very strong beliefs that help you identify who you are: you live your life according to your beliefs. With Atmakaraka Venus in the 1st house, you feel a sense of connection when you are around other people. Saturn as AmatyakarakaClick here for Personalized Astrological Reports- Email me at - vedicoraclebykadambari@gmail.c. Karakamsa is a phrase found primarily in the Jaimini sutra, or Jaimini astrology. If someone has done any three of the karmas in his past birth, he is destined to get these planets as AK. So a powerful and unafflicted Venus is a karmic blessing. During the Mahadasha of Jupiter, you experience good fortune in your life. Feel free to use the Amatyakaraka calculator and find out what the future holds for you. People look up to you for guidance on how to go about performing tasks. So when amatyakaraka is Saturn in a horoscope then it gives success and popularity in the line of hardware service, occupation in transport line, factories of iron ore, mines, etc and it might probably truly turn an individual career in clerk, Government servant, Social employee and so on. There are no miracles, but Amatyakaraka planets can certainly tell you what the future may hold. You are an advisor to your family, friends, and people in your social network. 3. When your relationships are going good you feel that sense of balance; however, if your relationships are out of order you put the effort into your relationships so balance can be restored. therefore, the planet Saturn feels uncomfortable in the first house. Your father is very strict, disciplined, responsible, and has a cold and serious nature: however, there can be an estranged relationship when it comes to the relationship with your father. By browsing this website, you agree to our use of cookies & privacy policies. On the other hand, when you pursue an advanced degree and higher education it requires a lot of hard work, discipline, and perseverance. Nevertheless, foreign cultures stimulate your mind, and you love investigating how people of different backgrounds and ethnicities live. You are mentally intrigued when investigating the laws of man and the divine law of the universe. This makes you a counselor and advisor to others. Atmakaraka is your soul planet - the planet that is the indicator of what your soul desires. on the other hand, you are good at communication and writing. You can be a skillful writer, communicator, social media star, blogger, author, articles writer, or any medium that utilized the written words. When you use this word generically, it derives aspects related to the social life and finance of a native. You may have been a bookworm because you enjoyed learning so much and you are good at mathematics or any logical information. You have a skill when it comes to writing religious texts, philosophies, laws, and religion. Nevertheless, you are very protective of your heart and can put up a hard shell to avoid being hurt; Therefore, other people need to be careful what they say to you because your feelings can easily be hurt. Your Atmakaraka in Rohini Nakshatra is similar to Atmakaraka in Taurus, this is because Rohini is completely contained in the earth sign of Taurus. If you divide it into ten pieces, each one is three degrees. This is because you have karma to pay back in your career; however, you can have career success later in life when Saturn matures. Because of this, you are very lucky in life because you create good karma. Jupiter additionally signifies Money. Atmakaraka Sun in 10th House means your purpose is to be the boss, authority figure, and ruler of your own kingdom when it comes to your career. Atmakaraka Sun in 8th House means you have a deep interest in mysticism and esoteric knowledge. The power of the Sun shines a light and burn away opponents and obstacles that can get in your way. Atmakaraka in Mrigashira Nakshatra means you love the thrill of chasing after a goal, dream, or objective. It is the challenge of a birth to fulfil the true desire of the soul from a spiritual perspective within. Jaimini Chara Dasha Calculation Horoscope generate dasha your report online free based on your date of birth. This is the energy of Mrigashira Nakshatra of being on a never-ending chasing quest. You learn from your environment and use your own personal experience to counsel others. On the other hand, sudden life changes can cause a feeling of instability. The real meaning of Amatya is companion or follower of the King. Planets heavily influence a person's life and hence it is . You are technical with the use of your hands and could be into martial arts, Tai chi, a mechanic, writer, or any sports which require your hands. Jaimini astrology has some distinct features, and one of them is Karaka. If the energy is positive this can influence you in a good way; however, if the environmental energy is heavy, you can become moody. You could have a career as a detective, investigator, scientist, or researcher. This creativity is because Venus the planet of the arts and creativity is the ruling planet of Purva Phalguni Nakshatra. This is because the 8th house relates to spouses income and Jupiter is abundance. Your ego and confidence are boosted when things are going well with your family. Atmakaraka in Shatabhisha Nakshatra means you are extraordinarily intelligent and can process and retain a large amount of information and data. Atmakaraka Moon in 3rd House means your mind is focused on intellectual curiosity. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. when Venus becomes Amatyakaraka in a horoscope, Venus can provide a profession associated with Acting, Singing and all kind of inventive discipline. You often put up a hard exterior because you are very sensitive, and your feelings can get hurt easily. However, because Saturn suppresses the 4th house it could take time for you to purchase your own property. Personal relationships are important to you; as a result, you prefer to be in a romantic relationship than single. The 9th house is related to advisors and counselors; therefore, you are focused on giving your wisdom and knowledge to people who need your guidance. As per astrologers, the lord of the first house happens to be Atmakaraka. As a result, you can be recognized by the masses and become famous or have a high status among others. Atmakaraka Mars in 4th House means you feel you are not living up to your souls purpose and potential in life. Manage Settings The 11th house relates to your hopes, wishes, desires, and Jupiter brings blessings; therefore, with the help of your support network or eldest sibling, youre able to manifest your wildest dreams. You have a very powerful and authoritative tone to your voice when you speak others listen. In addition, you are passionate about overseas travel, and you can have a permanent residence in another country. You are mechanical or skillful with your hands. Your profession and career are very dear to you. When people speak you truly listen to their words. It gives success in physical and speed-oriented sports like racing, wrestling, cricket, football, rugby, etc. Atmakaraka Mercury in 2nd house means you have a natural talent for managing finances and resources. Are you aware of Amatyakaraka and how it affects your life? You enjoy eating foods the grow in the ground or have roots; food like beets, potatoes, ginger, garlic, onions act to delight your taste buds. You enjoy socializing and being around people and you love harmonic personal relationships. You feel fortunate in life, this is because your mind focuses on positive expectation at the 9th house draw good things to you like a magnet. We hope this article gave you insight into how Amatyakaraka planets can affect a natives future and profession. You are happy when youre in a relationship or marriage as opposed to being alone. If you are spiritual and take interest in spiritual practice you can be a practitioner of chants, mantras, and healing prayers. In addition, your mother is a very private person who also enjoys her solitude. Big businessmen and Bureaucrats are found with Amatyakaraka Moon in their horoscope. Out of the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn or Rahu, anyone can be the Atmakaraka Planet in the kundali of the native. Since the planet signifies justice, so a judicial officer or lawyer can also be a fruitful profession. With Jupiter in the 6th house, you are protected from enemies and oppositions. As a result, you do not like to take the leadership role in certain aspects of your life. Sun as Amatyakaraka Planet in your Horoscope. Therefore, you could be a master or Guru when it comes to ancient text, religion, and spirituality. You attract attention and lure others in like a moth to a burning flame. There are eight planets that can be your Atmakaraka. Atmakaraka Venus in 7th house means you have a passion for romantic relationships, marriage, personal relationships, and business contractual agreements. To balance this energy, you must learn to control your over-aggression when it comes to your spouse (husband or wife) and business relationships. You are blessed with career success, and even when there are obstacles on the job things seem to magically work out; this is because Jupiter protects and brings blessings to your work environment. It is your purpose in life to express your creativity in a career. You must ask online astrologers for an online solution for knowing which planet is your AK. Planet with highest degree is Sun which is 28 degree and 22 mins. Atmakaraka Moon in 6th House means your mind is focused on the routines of everyday life. The third house relates to success through your own efforts and Saturn his hard work; therefore you can succeed in your dreams and goals with a lot of hard work even though it may feel like an uphill battle. The planets that are present in each of these houses have a great significance on the person. Amatya means one who's Very near to the King (means aatmakaraka in (Jaimini astrology) and whose recommendation king seeks. You have creative intelligence which can manifest in artistic pursuits. You can take a student under your wings and nurture their education. You like to dive into a situation headfirst which makes you very adventurous and often impulsive. Mars has travelled the most degrees in the sidereal zodiac, according to this transit chart, because it is at 29 degrees. Keeping inevitable demands of Astrology and other pseudoscience believers in mind, AstroSage has developed some calculators like Numerology Calculator, Moon Sign Calculator, Rasi Calculator, Ascendant Calculator, Ayanamsa Calculator and Nakshatra Calculator, to name a few. It is your Amatyakaraka that is the driver of your life purpose. The planet Venus is exalted in the 12th house which is the original house of Pisces; however, the 12th house is a Dusthana house. Since Mars is a technical planet and the 5th house relates to education you can have a technical education like technology, engineering, electrical engineering, mathematics, computer programming, etc. Amatyakaraka Mercury means that the natives may flourish in education, business, and the finance field. You love collecting books on metaphysical and esoteric knowledge; any type of hidden or secret subject intrigues your mind and stimulates your mental curiosity. Atmakaraka Saturn in 11th House means your soul purpose is to give your service to humanitarian causes by working for an organization that supports underdogs, the underprivileged, and the disadvantaged. With the right discipline, you can climb the corporate ladder or be self-made or a successful entrepreneur of your own business but again this takes work and patience. Atmakaraka Moon in 8th House means your mind is focused on the occult, mysticism, and research. In Jaimini astrology, Amatyakaraka planet is the main for profession. You let go and forgive others because you know this is the path to happiness and success. you are blessed with higher education and cant have an interest in spiritual and mundane laws. However: marriage comes with a lot of hard work, discipline, and responsibilities. Sun, Moon and Rahu are in the 10th; Jupiter is in the 2nd house. If Sun is in good dignity other people can freely give you resources or you can benefit financially once married. Nevertheless, you are very magnetic, and people are drawn to your alluring energy like a moth to a flame. This is because the moon is constantly waxing and waning and so do your feelings. Mercury happens to be the planet of analytical skill, intellect, and mathematics. Therefore, your purpose is to be actively involved with family, growing your resources, and practicing your values in life. On the other hand, a bunch of tied roots is an alternative symbol for Moola Nakshatra. Atmakaraka Jupiter in 3rd house means you are born to use your communicative power to preach and to teach. Atma means 'soul' and Karaka means 'significator'. Atmakaraka Sun in 12th House means you have a very reserved personality and enjoy solitude. Atmakaraka Venus in 8th house means you are passionate and love the occult, mysticism, metaphysics, and secret sciences. On the other hand, since Jupiter relates to law and the 6th house is service; you could give your service being a lawyer, attorney, litigator, or mediator. Jupiter as Amatyakaraka Planet in Your Horoscope. Your Atmakaraka is the most important karaka out of all the 7 chara karakas, this is because your Atmakaraka is the significator of your ascendant (1st house). Through the 10th house is how you perform your Dharma (metaphyseal purpose in life). This also can be achieved by working for charity organizations or doing charity work. You enjoy playing sports and have a competitive nature because of this you are a natural athlete. Everything that you said about me and my personality, my husbands personality was absolutely true. It depends on the natal chart of the individual. Mars is full of energy, so it tries to bring out the same energy in career and profession. Nevertheless, this is a very good placement for Saturn because the planet Saturn suppresses oppositions and competitors. Atmakaraka Jupiter in 8th house means your purpose in life is to gain knowledge in occult, mysticism, esoteric, and hidden information, even astrology is known to be a hidden knowledge. You also had the power to manifest your desire with creative visualization. You must put in the time, patients, hard work, and discipline to be successful in your chosen career. On the other hand, since the Moon represents water, your body can retain water. If the Moon is in good dignity, you will experience mostly the highs; however, if Moon is debilitated, combusted, or in an enemy sign you are prone to fluctuations in emotions. You believe skies are the limit and want to spread your wings and touch the heavens. Moon Atmakaraka means you are sensitive, caring, compassionate, emotional, nurturing, and intuitive. However, if Jupiter is afflicted it will protect the significator of each house. You are very good when it comes to communication, writing, and dictation. You can know more about your personality, personal power, interests, character, and nature of your soul by knowing the nakshatra your Atmakaraka falls in. Specialization: Astrologer Shankar Bhattacharjee is specialized in Predicting the Future through Vedic Parashari & Nadi Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry, Vastu & the ancient Horary System. You must put your energy into developing technical and mechanical skills; even being a professional writer and communicator requires a technical approach. Because you enjoy being in social environments and working with people, you are naturally talented when comes to mediation and negotiations. You can have a home office will work from home; However, if you commute to work every day you may notice that you take a lot of work home with you. To calculate your Darakaraka find the planet with the lowest degree in your Vedic Astrology Birth Chart Report. You have extraordinary creative abilities that transform into artistic and creative talents. This is because Mars is debilitated in the 4th house, which is the original House of Cancer. you may feel a disconnect with the father or feel as if you cannot get close to him. Same way Rahu AK people is destined to get cheated. Mercury in the 4th house relates to grade school and early education); therefore, you were very studious in grade school; you were engaged in your academic learning (studying, homework, and reading); You were able to retain the information you learned in school which helps you get good grades. The Atmakaraka Planet can be any Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, or Rahu in the native's kundali. You have very hypnotic eyes that can charm people. You enjoy being a part of organizations and you have a humanitarian personality in which you want to help the underprivileged. You can accumulate money through your own efforts; your confidence and self-esteem is boosted when you are making your own money. Atmakaraka in Revati Nakshatra means you are benevolent, compassionate, and kind to others. Atmakaraka in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra means you are law-abiding, righteous, and truthful similar to Purva Ashadha Nakshatra individua. Youre passionate about culture, therefore, you may travel a long distance to beautiful countries and lands learning the culture of the people. According to the Vedic philosophy, a soul has rebirth to fulfill all the unfinished desires of the past lives. The 12th house is a significator of foreign lands and overseas travels. But when we calculate final degrees of rahu as per rule .i.e 30 -4.25 , the final degree of rahu is 25.75 which is greater than that of Venus. You like to be active and move your physical body. To make a D10 map, simply divide any sign into ten equal parts. Jupiter is expanding, therefore, placed in the first house it expands your physical body: therefore, your body can be big, bulky, tall, or wide. So a popular Mass Leader can also be indicated with Amatyakaraka Saturn. The natives will have a say in what profession they choose, but they can flourish as government officials, doctors, magistrates, politicians, administrative officers, or teachers. Atmakaraka Sun in 4th House means you feel at ease and comfortable at home. Your speech is wise are you love advising family members. Their interests tend to fall into the realm of philosophy, teaching, spirituality, religion, or something they consider to be a higher purpose. You are very beautiful, so beautiful that you attract the attention of many people. You can have trouble exerting your power and getting others to follow your lead. You enjoy learning new things, a mental quest intrigues your mind. Where planet sits on the chart we will find the strength of the planet we can predict more result about the planet strength. Atmakaraka is calculated from D1 chart and is the planet with the highest degree . You can learn more about this important astrological factor from my article Atmakaraka, the Ruler of the Soul The result of Atmakaraka calculation will depend on which Ayanamsa (or the difference between tropical and sidereal zodiacs) is used. Atmakaraka Mercury in 10th house means you can get recognition in business, marketing, writing, or using your logical intelligence on the job. Since the main symbol of Jyeshta Nakshatra is a Round Talisman or Circular Amulet, you enjoy wearing rings, circular earrings, medallions, or amulets which symbolize your great power. As a result, the planet with the second highest degree is known as Amatya Karaka. If you commute to work, you bring a lot of office work home. Once identified the planet, then open Navamsa chart to see where it is poised. The AK planet is calculated from the highest degree planet of the chart. You can also be blessed with a big home of your own. Mars as Amatyakaraka Planet in your Janam Kundli. You have a hard time communicating freely with Saturn in the 3rd house you prefer to write down your thought and ideas instead of expressing yourself verbally. If in trikona or trine house liken 5th and 9th house from Lagna only then it gives a lot of wealth after middle age after gaining knowledge and wisdom through struggle. You are extraordinarily creative, and you are gifted with visual artistic talents. Because of this, you may seem like a loner to others. Therefore, you are passionate about self-imposed confinement; youre the type of person who balances your energies and restores peace of mind when you are in a serene and peaceful environment. They had Venus as the Amatyakaraka planet in their birth charts. Nevertheless, since this is such a mystical nakshatra you may have experiences with extraterrestrials or see UFOs in the sky. Nevertheless, Jupiter in the 8th house can indicate a rich or financially secure spouse for both men and females; however, Jupiter has to be in good dignity (exalted, friends sign, or own sign). therefore, in-laws have many social events and parties. Nevertheless, part of your personality you keep private and hidden from the world, only those close to you can truly know who you are. You will have a creative surge and will invest your time in a creative project and pursuits. You may have a career in writing, communication, or social media. You get good guidance and advice from your friends and eldest sibling. The banking profession can also be fruitful for these natives. however, your voice is your strength, and this is how you exert your power. You will feel like you are not the best parent to your children until later in life. Atmakaraka Jupiter in 4th house means you have a heart of gold, peace of mind and, love tranquility within your home; however, if Jupiter is afflicted in the 4th house it will give opposite results. You prefer a harmonic and well-balanced relationship and will work to maintain balance in your life. This desire could began a fresh chapter from your present life or it could simply be the sum total or a carry forward from all your previous births. If you do not have your own personal space this creates a mental and emotional unbalance. It is Rashi chart's tenth division. It is the planet of Justice as well. You have creative talents and a talent for the visual arts (pictures, drawing, painting, artwork). Saturn represents old age and maturity in the second house is your face; Therefore you have an old-looking face or you often appear overly serious. This is because the moon is the karaka a mother in the Levin house relate to gains. Since you have such a sweet voice you may have vocal talents which give you a sweet singing voice. however: once married there can be an and strange relationship with in-laws (your husbands relatives) especially the husbands first youngest sibling. Natural atmakaraka is sun but according to jaimini system of astrology chara atmakaraka is the planet with the highest degree shows your life purpose You have a very political mind and have an interest in politics or government. I have provided some details, stating the role of planets regarding predicting the probability of securing a Government Job in astrology. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! Atmakaraka Saturn in 6th House means you work hard on your job, working long and exhausting hours with little breaks. Atmakaraka in Krittika Nakshatra means you have a critical and sharp mind. These include Saturn, Rahu, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Moon, and the Sun. However, Mars is active energy; therefore, you want to do many things; however, with Atmakaraka Mars in the 12th house, you can easily exhaust yourself by doing too much. In the above table, the planet with the highest degree is Moon. If we apply the 8 Jaimini karaka systems or approaches, Rahu can be considered Atmakaraka. How is Your Atmakaraka Used? Saturn as Amatyakaraka Planet in your Janam Kundli. Youre able to calm others raging emotions with the power of your words. One of the greatest examples is Lal Bahadur Shastri. Venus as Amatyakaraka Planet in the Birth chart. You have excellent business skills and know-how to negotiate disagreements: therefore, you could be an experienced businessman, businesswoman, lawyer, or mediator. Nevertheless, with Atmakaraka Sun in 10th House, you can have a career in which you give you a service to the government. To clarify, on the surface, you do not show your emotions, however, if watery a planet like Moon conjunct or aspect Saturn you put on a hard exterior, but you are very sensitive and emotional inside. Moon is placed in Libra. This belief system can be based on spiritual laws, mundane laws, religion, and spirituality. Nevertheless, since Venus is the karaka of marriage you can have many ups and downs in your marriage life. Atmakaraka Moon in 4th House means you are emotionally attached to your home. Required fields are marked *. This makes you highly intelligent because youre able to process information rapidly. Growing up in your childhood home there could have been many rules you had to follow which suppressed your freedom. Atmakaraka means a planet with highest degree in horoscope n amatyakaraka has a second highest degree .. Atmakaraka _ destination of our soul, sole purpose and meaning of our birth. Because of this, you love living a luxurious lifestyle, such as, staying at the best hotels when traveling and dining at five-star restaurants. You can be a novelist, publisher, or Blogger. Your ego is connected with your home; however, you could become so attached to your home that you may be an introvert or homebody. You are very beautiful and have a magnetism that draws other people to you. Figuring out your atmakaraka is easy: it's the planet that holds the highest degree in your birth chart, regardless of the sign or house placement it is in. Thats precisely why you landed on this page. Rulers of Sun/Moon/ASC/MC. On the other hand, you are very visual you learn best when you are shown a demonstration of what you want to learn instead of reading about it.
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