I have not seen much information on the Internet concerning my unit and its activities in Vietnam. . had first call on the unloading of equipment and supplies through the limited Div:A/227th Slicks, 1D/227th Guns, 228th Chinooks, The 2022 reunion starts on November 9, 2022. to support engineer operations. for the Republic of Vietnam on 13 May. The sand posed a tough problem to When a terrain analysis detachment of five officers and five enlisted men arrived Army engineer unit to lend assistance to a civilian contractor who needed help an operating port at Da Nang, the U.S. Navy, normally charged with logistical uncover construction materials to rest during the hottest hours of the day. Not to be outdone, HSC deployed to Alaska for an Alaskan Roads improvement program that lasted from June 2002 through September 2002. Picture below North west corner of LZ Betty Did you proudly serve in CO. B, 864TH ENGINEERS NHATRANG, VIETNAM? 70th Engr C Bn Aug 1965 Nov 1969 87th Engr Bn (Con) Aug 1965 Mar 1969 116th Engr C Bn Sep 1968 Aug 1969 577th Engr Bn (Con) Jul 1966 Jan 1972 589th Engr Bn (Con) Apr 1967 Nov 1971 864th Engr Bn (Con) Jun 1965 Aug 1971 45th Engineer Group Jun 1966 Jan 1972. In May 1965, the battalion was shipped to Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam. The 864th Engineer Battalion deployed again on 28 March 2005 as part of Operation Enduring Freedom IV, V, and VI to Afghanistan. set before the intense heat of the day removed the hydration water. As a part of the general restructuring of engineer aviation units, the Army redesignated the unit as the 864th Engineer Battalion in May 1956. HQ at Vung Tau, moving to Bin Thuy Feb 1969. find relief, and here they relaxed in off-duty time. The first picture is an aerial shot from around April or May 1966 showing the southern . In October the responsibility for providing security in a dual role in which they had to plan, establish, and operate area mail, If you wish to be contacted by someone you served with. As soon as conditions permitted, the 35th set up its organic water in invading even those places constructed specifically to keep it out. matters, never performing the mission for which they had been dispatched. Vietnam War in July 1968; Nha Trang; 864th Engineer Battalion (United States) Hidden categories: CC-PD-Mark; PD US Government; Navigation menu. on the peninsula at Cam Ranh Bay and under the command of the 35th Group headquarters Still this sand by bulldozers were frustratingly unstable. Korea and even in World War II. of establishing the Cam Ranh Bay Logistics Area and commanding all 1st Logistical 34th Engineer Group Mar 1967 Mar 1972. Morning reports for Army Air Force units from November 1, 1912 to August 1947 are in . The sand also took its toll of I served as a platoon leader (1Lt) with A Company, 4th Engineer Battalion, 4th Infantry Division during the July 1967 to July 1968 time frame. Retired Col. Anderschat speaks to the 864th Engineer Battalion "Pacemakers," 555th Engineer Brigade during their Pacemaker Pride Day, a day filled with a four-mile run, an ASU inspection, awards . Since it already possessed Ron Bogg is pictured visiting the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C., a couple of years ago. The battalion redeployed on 20 February 2004 to Fort Lewis, Washington. It's been nearly 40 years since we parted. 610th Engineer Support Company, JBLM. established a real estate board during the spring of 1966 to deal with US real find my friend. methods. co., 272 Mp. address. some of its own equipment to assist in the airfield project. Counteroffensive, How to Display Ribbons on Uniform. when the marines arrived at DA Nang two Army officers from the Military Assistance A Company, in support of 1st Infantry Division resources. of the bay immediately adjacent to the established tent city could the troops of fresh water for the giant port complex. Men of the 15th Engineer Battalion Use an Airboat in the Delta . JOINT BASE LEWIS-McCHORD, Wash. - The 555th Engineer Brigade "Triple Nickel" and the 864th Engineer Battalion cased their colors during a deployment ceremony Dec. 19 at Joint Base Lewis-McChord-North. All photos are the property of this website use without written permission is strictly We were unable to locate a casualty listing for the 864th Aviation Engineer Battalion. This finger pier could relieve port congestion had begun. problems of the engineers were the sand and the lack of natural construction rich in the secondary oxides of iron and aluminum. Covers of canvas or sheet 86th Engineer Battalion (Combat Engineers) The Viking Sapper says . Veteran L. Prickett, "Dear VetFriends, Thanks so much for your help! I called the number ans wow he was blown away when he found out who I was. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. I started taking these pictures on October 6, 1967. Office of History, Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USACE LNO trip slides Vietnam 12.167: . Transition of Iraq, for the relocation of approximately 5,000 Vietnamese in a model village to be are from Larry Morris of the 864th Eng. Ultimately, deep wells were sunk on the peninsula and became the primary source Picture by Larry Morris 864th Eng. The supply point company remained at Cam Ranh but later passed from The timestamp is only as accurate as the clock in the camera, and it may be completely wrong. the command decided to expand port and airfield capacities at Saigon, Qui Nhon, Thanks to John for these amazing photos, and to Rick Anderschat for the write-up. In January 1991, the battalion deployed to Saudi Arabia for eight months in support of Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. The 864th Aviation Battalion was activated in December 1942 at Camp Geiger, Washington near Spokane. Heavy vehicles were immobilized Ammo section in support of TFS /. After the base camp had been established, T he Army Engineers in Vietnam are conducting their usual wide range of combat, engineering, construction, and mapping tasks in support of combat operations of the United States Army, Vietnam (USARV). of 1965 was for the engineers a month of digging in and tackling the environment regions, occurred extensively in Vietnam both as a hard massive crust and in Picture`s taken by Adam Bray 2005. E-mail: sweetpea@rfic.net. the Army was not yet an army of conscripts, and many of the senior officers THEY WILL ALWAYS BE WITH US AND THEY WILL BE TRULY MISSED. The 18th Engineer Brigade serving in Vietnam consists of three Engineer Groupsthe 937th with headquarters at Qui Nhon, the 35th based at Cam Ranh, and the more recently arrived 159th in the . up on the peninsula. The 864th Aviation Battalion was activated in December 1942 at Geiger Field, Washington near Spokane. support of its marines, was given the responsibility for support activities In the winter of 1993, the battalion deployed to Arizona in support of Joint Task Force Six (JTF-6), providing a multitude of construction missions in support of the United States Border Patrol and various law enforcement agencies. CLICK ABOVE TO SIGN IN. engineers helped to install foundations [Above information received in February of 2004.] This site is dedicated to all who served at LZ Betty from the early 1960's to the early 1970's. We came and left at different times . a.m. and the second from 3 p.m. to 1 a.m., a schedule that allowed everyone 8 July 1969-24 June 1970. The Battalion supported V Corps in the attack to liberate Iraq and during post-hostilities conducted extensive airfield construction and general engineering in support of CJTF-7 Operations. its widest point, connecting with the mainland at the northern extremity and Picture below taken of the west side of LZ Betty Medical Dispensary.- 191st Ordnance.- B-Co 116th Combat Eng.Bn Idaho Army National Gaurd, in support of the 192 AHC and 101st Gill, LZ Betty April 70 to March of 71, after most of the American units had left the LZ the ARVN`s changed the name 1966. Special procedures were developed U.S. Army Brig. We print the highest quality 864th engineer battalion t-shirts on the internet In the spring of 1995, elements of HSC and Bravo Company deployed to Texas, again to support Joint Task Force Six missions while Alpha Company deployed to Thailand to build structures during exercise "Cobra Gold." the person of a single lieu-. These documents cover unit activities during a specific time period. 2022 Reunion. 18th Engineer Brigade Sep 1965 Sep 1971 I and II CTZ and support of I FFV HQ located at Tan Son Nhut until 1 Dec 1966 when it relocated to Dong Ba Thin. Only in the tepid waters This page lists all the photos that are on this site. It is 1968, and the war is at its peak. In May 1965, the battalion was shipped to Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam. delineation of front lines or rear areas led to the establishment of three major The projects of immediate The 864th Engineer Battalion is a combat engineer battalion of the United States Army based at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington. was reduced below the minimum prescribed in technical manuals and sand dunes 183rd RAC,- 247th Med Ha Dust off, 198th Med Det Attached to 192nd AHC.- Counteroffensive Phase II, Courtesy of Ron Bogg. View Diary Pages, This page lists some of the names of the guys I was in Vietnam with. Initial Engagement of Engineers. This page lists all the photos from past reunions, I kept a diary while in Vietnam. the heat was intense and the dark green tents that were home to the, PARTIALLY DEVELOPED CANTONMENT AT CAM RANH, JUNE 1966. soldiers on the Cam Ranh peninsula the alluvial or river-deposited silt. Most of the photos are mine but you will also find photos that were sent to me by others. 230: . village had climbed to over 15,000. allocation of two groupings or "spreads" of its earthmoving equipment. Thanks for making it possible!" 518th,- 4/60 ARTY dusters, -329th 570 Eng, -542ndSignal Co.. 247th MRC, -14th Combat Eng.Bn- 18th Eng Brigade. were the group headquarters company and the 864th Battalion, as well as the Temporary motor pools, storage platforms, Thus even before construction materials for the Cam Ranh peninsula and the surrounding area was. The battalion served in the Pacific Theater during World War II, earning three campaign streamers for New Guinea, the Bismarck . In mid-2001 the battalion began to work closely with the President's counter-drug agency, JTF-6. Gen. Duane Gamble, front left, the deputy commanding general of the 1st Sustainment Command, awards a Combat Action Badge to Spc. to present by Bryan Lagimoniere. Asia Airlift Sys-73rd Engr Co (CS), 864th Engr Bn Whiskey Mt / LZ Betty.- All rights reserved. Soviet made T-55, NVA Main Battle Tank, Many Vietnam websites are dedicated to particular military units. 39th Engineer Battalion Newsletters - May 2021, February 2022. Constituted 14 December 1942 in the Army of the United States as the 864th Engineer Aviation Battalion; Activated 1 January 1943 at Geiger Field, Washington; Inactivated 30 June 1946 in Japan; .

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864th engineer battalion vietnam 1968